This should start with an old friend of Confucius, Hara. In fact, there is a widely circulated story behind this idiom, which some friends who are interested in Chinese studies may know. Confucius once visited a friend Yuan Jean, who is said to be a very important person in his personal life. Indulge? People, even when they are old, never have any rules. Confucius just walked to the door and found Yuanrang collapsed on the ground, listlessly greeting Confucius. As we all know, Confucius was always right? Li, a very strict person, was really angry when he saw him like this. He sighed: Without saying anything, the dragon is a thief! ?
Later, Confucius and Zhu Zhan severely beat this friend. Did it say in The Analects of Confucius? Hit him in the leg with a stick? Confucius was really angry. Friends who are familiar with history may know that Confucius advocated restoration? Zhou Li? What do you think of today? Was the ceremony broken? A thinker thinks that only when everyone respects the old and loves the young, the son respects the father, the minister respects the monarch, and the people are the people, can we return to the three generations of prosperous times when the weather is good and the people live and work in peace and contentment. In fact, isn't he accusing all the old people? Why not die? It is ironic that some elderly people are disrespectful and don't talk about virtue.
To sum up, what Confucius said? Being old and not dying is for thieves? Are you accusing some old people of being immoral? Don't respect the elderly? .