French is known as the most romantic language. Below is a collection of classic French inspirational quotes that I have compiled for your reference!
Selection of classic French inspirational quotes
1. The saddest thing about people is that they have nothing. Knowledge and inability to discipline oneself. ?Montaigne method
2. Nous devons avoir la pers?v?rance, surtout la confiance en nous-m?mes. Notre talent est utilis? pour r?aliser quelque chose et on doit la r? aliser ? n?importe quel prix. ?Marie Curie [Pologne]
We should have perseverance, especially self-confidence. Our gifts are meant to do something, and no matter how great the cost, it must be done. ?Marie Curie's Wave
3. Balzac[France]
A person who can think Man is truly a person of boundless power. ?Balzac's method
4. J'ai deux aides fid?les: ma patience et mes deux mains. ?Montaigne[France]
I have two loyal assistants, One is my patience, the other is my hands. ?Montaigne method
5. Dans le monde il n?y a qu?une v?rit? : ?tre fid?le ? la vie et l?aimer. ?Romain Rolland[France]
There is only one truth in the world, which is to be loyal to life and love it. ?Romain Roland France
6. Je pense, donc j'existe. ?Descartes[France]
I think, therefore I exist. ?Descartes method
7. Pas de grand d?sir, pas de grand talent. ?Balzac[France]
There is no great genius without great desire. ?Balzac's method
8. Tous pour un, un pour tous. ?Alexandre Dumas
Everyone for one, one for everyone. ? Alexandre Dumas' method
French inspirational sentences
1. Vouloir, c'est pouvoir. Where there is a will, there is a way.
2. Petit? petit, l'oiseau fait son nid. A little makes a lot.
3. Pas? pas, on va loin. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
4. Everything is difficult at the beginning.
5. Aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera. God helps those who help themselves.
6. C'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron. What makes perfect.
7. Bien faire et laisser dire. Do your best and don’t be afraid of what others say.
8. Apr?s la pluie, le beau temps. After the rain, the sky will clear.
9. A coeur vaillant rien d'impossible. As long as you work hard, an iron pestle can be ground into a needle.
10. Tout est bien qui finit bien. Good things don’t take a long time.
11. Today’s work is done today.
12. Qui ne risque rien n'a rien. If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs.
13. Tant vaut l'homme, tant vaut la terre. A diligent person is not lazy.
14. Goutte? goutte l'eau creuse la pierre. A drop of water penetrates a stone.
15. Erreur n'est pas compte. Mistakes can always be corrected.
French inspirational quotes
1. Personne n'est charg? de ton bonheur, sauf toi-m?me.
No one can control your happiness Take responsibility for anyone but yourself.
2. Parfois, la personne que tu veux le plus est la personne que tu es le mieux sans.
Sometimes, when you leave the person you want most, you will Live better.
3. Il faut?tre l'homme de la pluie et l'enfant du beau temps.
Be like an adult in wind and rain, and be like a child in sunny weather.
4. Quand vous ne savez pas o? vous allez, ne regardez pas en arri?re et ne demandez pas le chemin? quelqu'un. Souriez et avancez.
When you When you don't know where to go, don't look back or ask others for directions, just smile and move forward.
5. Sourire trois fois tous les jours rend inutile tout m?dicament.
Three smiles are worth thousands of good medicines.
6. It never gets dark where there is love.
7. La vie n'est pas une course, mais un voyage dont il faut savoir go?ter chaque ?tape.
Life is not a race, but a journey. Know how to savor every journey.
8. Ravale tes larmes car ta fiert? restera ta plus belle arme.
Hold back your tears, because pride will be your best weapon.
9. Life is not about waiting.
Life is not about waiting. The storm has passed, but learn how to dance in the wind and rain.
10. Peter Drucker
The best way to foresee the future is to create it.
Excerpts from French classic inspirational sentences
Personne n'est charg? de ton bonheur, sauf toi-m?me. No one can be responsible for your happiness except yourself.
Parfois, la personne que tu veux le plus est la personne que tu es le mieux sans. Sometimes, you will live better without the person you want most.
Il faut?tre l'homme de la pluie et l'enfant du beau temps. Be like an adult in wind and rain, and be like a child in sunny weather.
Quand vous ne savez pas o? vous allez, ne regardez pas en arri?re et ne demandez pas le chemin? quelqu'un. Souriez et avancez. When you don't know where to go, don't look back Don't look and ask others for directions, just smile and walk forward.
Sourire trois fois tous les jours rend inutile tout m?dicament. Three smiles are worth thousands of medicines.
L? o? on s'aime, il ne fait jamais nuit. It will never get dark where there is love.
La vie n'est pas une course, mais un voyage dont il faut savoir go?ter chaque ?tape. Life is not a race, but a journey. You must know how to savor every journey.
Ravale tes larmes car ta fiert? restera ta plus belle arme. Hold back your tears, because pride will be your best weapon.
La vie ce n'est pas d'attendre que les orages passent... C'est d'apprendre comment danser sous la pluie. Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning how to survive the wind and rain. in dancing.
La meilleure fa?on de pr?dire l'avenir, c'est de le cr?r.? Peter Drucker The best way to foresee the future is to create it.