Life cannot bloom brilliant flowers from lies.
Rumors are things that get stronger the more they spread.
It is better to be spoken ill of by one person before all others than to be spoken ill of by all before one person.
It’s better to say ‘I don’t know’ than to lie.
Whenever a man declares that all humans are bad, rest assured that he is making himself the exception. .
Promises are as fast as horses, but facts can catch up with them.
——Spanish Proverb
Those who believe lies will be destroyed before the truth.
Flattery never comes from a great heart.
Flattery can also cause coordination, but this coordination is caused by servile shameless sin or deception.
Sometimes people hate flattery, but they only hate the way it is flattery.
The person who defends himself denounces himself.
Silent innocence often touches people’s hearts more than words.