A dog is the only creature that loves you more than you love yourself. -- German writer Wen Lu
People who are cruel to animals will not be kind to people. --Schopenhauer
Animals are the closest friends. They never ask questions and never criticize. --Eliot
People with the ability to think will definitely oppose all cruelty. No matter whether the behavior is deeply rooted in tradition or not, as long as we have the opportunity to choose, we should avoid causing other animals to suffer. -- Schweitzer
A person who is cruel to animals will also become cruel to humans. --Thomas. Aquina
I attach equal importance to human rights and animal rights, and this should be the common sense that all human beings should have. --Lincoln
The questions and answers to all knowledge are contained in dogs. --Austrian writer Franz Kafka
Even the lowest animals created by God are members of the chorus of life. I don’t like those that only cater to human needs without taking into account cats, dogs and other animals. any religion. --Lincoln
If we understand the true nature of dogs and know how to encourage them, we can become better owners. -- Elizabeth Thomas
There are always similarities in how humans treat lower animals and deal with the relationship between humans. --Spencer
The difference between the brains of humans and higher animals is obviously one of degree rather than of kind. -- Charles Darwin
Humans' loves, hopes and fears are no different from those of animals. They are like sunlight, coming from the same source and landing in the same place.
--John Muir