Transitive verb
1. To prove that... is guilty, to declare... to be guilty, to convict...
2. To make people aware of their sins and make them confess their sins.
1. Criminal.
2. (Long-term prisoner).
3. (American slang) Zebra in the circus.
1. Legal pronouncement; judgment.
2. Sentencing.
3. Grammatical sentence (sub).
4. Logical propositions.
5. Musical phrases.
6. Biochemical sentence (the sequence of nucleotide triplet codes or codons that constitute genes).
7. (ancient proverb) Famous saying; maxim. a sentence of death. a dark sentence A difficult sentence. pass sentence upon [on] sb. sentence someone. serve a sentence serve a sentence. under sentence of to be judged; to be sentenced.
Transitive verb
To pronounce judgment; to judge; to execute. be sentenced to death be sentenced to death. be sentenced for theft to be sentenced for theft
Transitive verb
1. To convict (someone), to convict (someone), Pronouncement (death penalty, etc.).
2. Blame, condemn.
3. Declaring (the patient) untreatable.
4. Declare...completely useless; decide to scrap or scrap it.
5. Declaration of confiscation (ships, private goods, etc.).