The shopkeeper was right, but he sifted three bowls in a row. Song Wu said, "Let's eat another two Jin of meat." The restaurant cut two Jin of cooked beef and screened three bowls of wine. Song Wu's mouth is slippery. He just wants to eat. The second "three bowls" here is the fourth place in the full text. It's on the screen, but not for Song Wu. Later, some people said that Song Wu was too slippery. He just wanted to eat, not drink. Song Wu said at the back: "I don't want you to post money, just screen the wine." . The restaurant dares to serve wine to Song Wu, which means "Sir, when you want to eat wine, there are five or six bowls of wine". Three of the five or six bowls were screened before, but they were not given to Song Wu. Later, I sifted six bowls of wine to eat with Song Wu, and ate fifteen bowls before and after.
One is a short story full of philosophy of life.
1, a man had a dream in which he came to a two-story house. When I entered the first floor, I found a long big table. Ther