I think a real gentleman should have these two characteristics:
The first characteristic is that a gentleman speaks rigorously and appropriately. If a person wants to be a gentleman, he should pay special attention. First of all, when he communicates with others, don't swear, don't swear or take some obscure words. In ancient times, he would be considered a dirty person. Secondly, you should have different attitudes and tones when talking to different people. For example, when talking to your family, you should be calm and show that you can manage everything at home. For example, when you talk to your superiors, you should think clearly about what to say and how to say it, and be polite and respectful every time. A person who often talks nonsense can't be regarded as a gentleman.
The second characteristic of a gentleman is noble and thoughtful. If a person wants to be a gentleman, he must first be a noble person. First of all, he should live in harmony with his relatives and friends. Secondly, he should help others and do more good outside. Third, he shouldn't do anything to hurt friendship or feelings for immediate interests. In addition, a gentleman will have a place to do things. Sometimes he treats bad people with a broad mind instead of a stick, if he can persuade them. If he can't convince them, he won't go to extremes when dealing with anything in life, and he will leave room for anything.
In short, only those who contain these two qualities can be regarded as real gentlemen.