1. Standard Dutch (Netherlands? Ndisch), the Belgian Flemish (Friesisch) is a low-lying Frankish (Niederfr? Nkisch) is a kind of Niederdeutsch.
Dutch is low German, but it is called Dutch independently for political reasons. There be no difference between the Flemish in Belgium and the Dutch, because they be independent for political reasons. ※. ......
2. Austria Sterreich) and Switzerland (Schweiz) both use Hochdeutsch, Swiss German and Schwaben dialect (Schw? Bisch) is closer. The orthography of Swiss German is exactly the same as that of standard German.
3. South Tyrol, Italy, part of Poland, part of Alsace, France? , Frankreich) are all in German.
It is true that Putonghua is widely used in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Qinghai-Tibet and other places in China, but not all of them are Beijing movies. Similarly, all regions of the Holy Roman Empire can speak Latin, but not German. ......