Confucius said: As a human being, he forgets to eat when he is angry, and forgets to worry when he is happy. He didn't know that he would be old enough to live in peace and enjoy his career.
Rites: a dedicated music group.
Confucius said: it's hard to eat all day without heart!
Confucius said: It is difficult to live in groups all day long, but words are not as good as deeds, and it is difficult to be kind and wise!
Master Baizhang: One day you don't do anything, one day you don't eat.
Zhu: When the Lord has nothing to do, he is respectful.
Zhuangzi: Although the world is wide and there are many things, I only know one of them.
Ceng Wenzheng: Sitting on this mountain and looking at that mountain, nothing can be done.
Zhuangzi: Regardless of ambition, we focus on God.
Go where you are, not outside.
Laozi: One Qi Jun, one Ye Qi.
Liang Qichao: All trades come first, and all evils and laziness come first.
Liang Qichao: Every profession is interesting. As long as you are willing to do it, interest will naturally arise.