Speaking of Guan Yu, many people know that Guan Yu is loyal and courageous. Chen Shou once said: "My late master and two people (Guan Yu and Zhang Fei) slept in the same bed, so if they are brothers, thick people sit wide and stand up all day, and they don't avoid difficulties and obstacles to their late master." It is said that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are loyal to Liu Bei. In addition, Guan Yu was a famous military commander at that time with high martial arts. Only a few people can beat him. There is no doubt that Cao Cao is interested in Guan Yu and wants to keep it for himself.
Another point is that Cao Cao really cherishes talents and likes to dig talents from enemy barracks. A bit like headhunters nowadays, whoever has talent will spend a lot of money to dig the corner of his house, but this is also a sign of love for talent. Many generals in Cao Cao's barracks were dug up from enemy barracks. To be kind to Guan Yu, besides cherishing this talent, Cao Cao certainly wanted to break Liu Bei's right-hand man and alienate Guan Yu and Liu Bei, thus disintegrating Liu Bei's power.
Finally, it may be that Cao Cao showed it to his subordinates and the world, which is also a very powerful means of Cao Cao. Whether Guan stayed with Cao Cao or not, this move won the hearts of Cao Cao and made Cao Cao's army more United and tenacious.