1 The sun shines brightly, the kindness of parents is great, the gentleman is great, and the little man is popular.
2 Speak good words, think good thoughts, and do good deeds.
3 To forgive others is to be kind to yourself.
4 Success is the play of strengths, failure is the accumulation of shortcomings.
5 Don’t underestimate yourself, because people have unlimited possibilities.
6 Compare who you love more, don’t compare who you are more afraid of.
7 Do more and gain more, do less and lose more.
8 Love does not require the other person, but requires one's own contribution.
9 Always have understanding, tolerance, gratitude, contentment, and cherish blessings in your heart.
10 Doing what you should do is wisdom, doing what you shouldn’t do is ignorance.
11 A good word from the mouth is like a lotus flower coming out of the mouth; a bad word from the mouth is like a poisonous snake spitting out from the mouth.
12 We must do a good job in environmental protection in society, and we must also do a good job in environmental protection in our hearts.
13 Morality is a beacon for self-improvement and should not be a whip for scolding others.
14 You can’t do good deeds without me, and you can’t do bad things without me.
15 A drop of water becomes a river, and a grain of rice becomes a basket. Don’t underestimate your own spirit, and don’t neglect doing good deeds because they are small.