Mencius said: "The weather is not as good as the geographical position, and the geographical position is not as good as human harmony." The city of three miles, the country of seven miles, was invincible when attacked by the Lord of the Rings. If the husband attacks it, he will get the right time; However, if you don't win, it's better to be in the right place at the right time. The city is not high, the pond is not deep, the army is not strong, and there are not many meters; Entrusting it to others is not as good as human harmony. Therefore, the people in the territory do not take the border, the country does not take the risk of mountains and rivers, and the benefits of the world do not take the benefits of war. Those who gain the Tao help more, while those who lose the Tao help less. When there is little help, relatives will be there; Help more, and the world will be at peace. Take advantage of the world and attack your relatives. A gentleman wins without fighting. "-"Mencius, the fourth volume, GongSunChou "in the original.
65438+ Xunzi's "time" refers to the seasonal climate suitable for combat, "land" refers to the terrain conducive to combat, and "harmony between people" refers to winning the hearts of the people and uniting up and down. Mencius' "time" here refers to the season and climate suitable for combat; "Geographical location" refers to the terrain that is conducive to combat; "Harmony between people" means winning people's hearts and uniting up and down. 2. Weather is not as good as geographical location: weather refers to the season and climate suitable for combat. Geographical location refers to the terrain that is conducive to combat. 3. Harmony between people: win people's hearts and unite from top to bottom. 3. Three Mile City: Surrounding Three Mile City. 4. Ring: perimeter. 5. Husband: Speak. 6. however: but still. 7. It's ... It's also: it's because (table reason). 8. Not as good as; How about ... 9. Also: the sign of the judgment sentence. 10. City: city wall. 1 1. Pool: moat. 12. Soldiers: weapons. 13. Leather: armor, armor. 14. firmness: firmness. 15. Profit: Sharp. 16. Xiaomi: grain. 17. Committee: abandoned. 18. Go: leave. 19. So: So. 20. domain: restrictions. 2 1. 22. Boundary: Delineated boundary. 23. Consolidating the country: consolidating national defense; Consolidate national defense. 24. Streams: rivers. 25. Risk: steep. 26. Wei: Establish prestige. 27. Very few: Very few. 28. Open-minded people: people who practice benevolent policies. 29. deviant: people who don't practice benevolent government. 3 1. Pan: Same as "rebellion" and betrayal. 32. to the extreme: to the extreme. 33. Shun: Obey. 34. With ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 36. must: definitely, definitely. 37. People in this territory are not bound by government boundaries: territory, restrictions. Use, use. Border of the frontier, border of the frontier. 38. Relatives: ancient relatives, that is, people who are related by blood or by marriage. Pro refers to "inside the family"; Qi refers to "outside the home".
Mencius said: "It is better to win the hearts of the people and unite with the people than to win the favorable terrain and favorable terrain. The inner city of Lisan in Fiona Fang and the outer city of Qili in Fiona Fang were surrounded and attacked. Surround it and attack it. It must have got the season and climate suitable for fighting, but it didn't win. It seems that the season and climate suitable for fighting are not as good as the terrain conducive to fighting. The city wall is not high, the moat is not deep, the weapons and armor are not strong and the food is not small; It seems advantageous for soldiers guarding the city to leave. Terrain is not as popular as up and down. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the frontier boundaries that people do not have to draw, to consolidate national defense without the rigor of mountains and rivers, and to establish prestige in the world without sharp weapons and armor. A benevolent person wins the hearts of the people and helps him more, while an unkind person loses the hearts of the people and helps him less. Few people helped him, and people inside and outside the family betrayed him; With so many people helping him, everyone in the world obeyed him. With the obedience of the whole world, we will crack down on those who betray, even those inside and outside the family. Therefore, gentlemen practice benevolent policies and win without fighting.
The relationship between heaven, earth and people has always been concerned by people. Who is the most important of the three has become a topic of discussion. As we quoted in the notes, Xunzi once discussed the problems of climate, geography, people and harmony from the perspective of agricultural production. But he didn't distinguish who was important and who wasn't, but the three were unequal, and the most important thing was harmony. Mencius mainly analyzes and discusses the relationship between climate, geography and human harmony from the military aspect, and has a clear-cut banner: "climate is not as good as geography, and geography is not as good as human harmony." Among the three, "harmony between people" is the most important decisive factor, followed by "geographical location" and "weather". This is inseparable from his thought of always attaching importance to people's subjective initiative, and also from his purpose of discussing climate, geography, people and relations, and also from his purpose of discussing climate, geography, people and relations. It is from emphasizing the importance of "harmony between people" that he came to the conclusion that "those who gain the Tao will help more, while those who lose the Tao will help less". This led the problem from military to politics, and actually returned to his "old-fashioned" topic of "benevolent governance". According to Mencius, the people can't be bound by blocking the border, and the country can't be saved by mountains and rivers. Therefore, there is no way to go abroad. We should reform and open up, strengthen our national strength and let the people live and work in peace and contentment. As long as this is achieved, that is, "those who get the word will help more", and if they help to the extreme, the people of the world will submit. Then there must be what Confucius said-"Then people from all directions will come without children." People from all over the world come to apply for studying abroad, doing business, and even bringing their wives and children to apply for immigration and settlement. Where is the "frontier" needed? I'm afraid I can't get rid of it. It has become such a famous saying that we still often use it to evaluate international relations and condemn hegemonism. Of course, "the weather is not as good as the geographical position, and the geographical position is not as good as the harmony between people" is also a famous saying, which is also widely used in business competitions, sports competitions, especially football competitions. This fully shows that its philosophy is rich, profound and broad. The so-called "people are United, Taishan is the top." Who said that "human harmony" is not the most important wealth?