Mencius’ classic famous sayings 1
The most important thing for a filial son is to respect his relatives; the most important thing to respect his relatives is to support him in the world. As the son and father of the emperor, he should be respected to the utmost; if he is nourished by the world, he should be nourished to the utmost. ——Mencius
There are five so-called unfilial persons in the world: the four branches of love are to ignore the support of parents, the first is unfilial; the abandonment of alcohol and the neglect of parents to support are unfilial; the second is unfilial to love goods and wealth, and to have an unfilial wife , disregarding the support of parents, which is the third kind of unfilial piety; following the desires of the ears and eyes, thinking that one's parents are killed, which is the fourth kind of unfilial piety; being brave and fighting cruelly, endangering one's parents, which is the fifth kind of unfilial piety. ——Mencius
"Mencius" Famous Quotes Mencius said: "When I am old, I am like the old of others; when I am young, I am like the young of others." "Mencius, King Hui of Liang, Part 1"
Mencius said: "If you enjoy the happiness of the people, the people will also enjoy their happiness; if you worry about the worries of the people, the people will also worry about their worries. He is happy with the world and worried with the world. However, there is no king who is not a king." p>
Mencius said: "I know what to say, and I am good at cultivating my awe-inspiring spirit." "Mencius Gongsun Chou"
Mencius said: "Respect the virtuous and enable the capable, and when the heroes are in power, the world will be the best." Scholars are all happy and willing to stand in their dynasty. ""Mencius: Gongsun Chou"
Mencius said: "The weather is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the people." "Mencius: Gongsun Chou is down"
Mencius said: "Those who have attained the truth will be helped by many, and those who are unjust will be helped by little. When few help come, relatives will be with them; when much help comes, the world will obey." "Mencius Gongsun Chou"
Mencius said: "Wealth and honor cannot be fornicated, poverty and lowliness cannot be moved, and power cannot bend. This is called a true man." "Mencius: Teng Wen Gong"
Mencius said: "If you don't follow the rules, you can't succeed. Fang Yuan (Yuan) ¨¨¨ cannot correct the five tones. "" Mencius Li Lou Shang"
Mencius said: "A great man should not lose his innocent heart." Mencius·Li Lou Xia"
Mencius said: "A gentleman has benevolence in his heart and etiquette in his heart. A benevolent person loves others, and a polite person respects others. Those who love others will always love them, and those who respect others will always respect them." "Mencius ·Li Lou Xia"
Mencius said: "Fish is what I want. Bear's paw is also what I want. You can't have both. One would give up fish and take bear's paw. Life is also It is what I want. Righteousness is also what I want. You cannot have both, and you must sacrifice your life for righteousness.
Mencius said: "Therefore, heaven will give you a great responsibility." Therefore, people must first strain their minds, strain their muscles and bones, starve their skin, deplete their body, and mess up their actions. Therefore, if they are tempted to endure, they will benefit what they cannot. " "Mencius Gaozi Xia"
Mencius said: "The people are the most valuable, the country is the second most important, and the king is the least important." "Mencius: Give Your Heart to Your Heart"
Mencius said: "Nothing good about human beings is better than the eyes." The eyes cannot hide the evil. If the chest is straight, the eyes will be dull. If you listen to his words and look at the eyes, how can a person be thin?
Mencius said: " Everyone has the heart of compassion; the heart of shame and disgust, everyone has it; the heart of respect, everyone has it; the heart of right and wrong, everyone has it. The heart is propriety; the heart of right and wrong is wisdom. Benevolence, justice, etiquette and wisdom are not inherent in me." (Gaozi 1)
[Translation] (Mencius said: ) "Everyone has the heart to sympathize with others; everyone has the heart to know shame; everyone has the heart to be respectful to others; everyone has the heart to distinguish right from wrong. Compassion belongs to benevolence, shame and disgust Belonging to righteousness, reverence belongs to etiquette, and the heart of right and wrong belongs to wisdom. This benevolence, justice, etiquette, and wisdom are not imposed on me by outsiders. They are inherent in me, but I just don’t think about it and pursue it. ”
Mencius said: “Benevolence refers to the human heart; righteousness refers to the way of people.” It is a pity to abandon one's way but not to follow it, to let one's heart go without knowing what to ask for! If a person has chickens and dogs to let loose, he will know how to seek them; if he has peace of mind, he will not know how to seek them. There is no other way to learn, just ask for peace of mind. "(Gaozi 1)
[Translation] (Mencius said:) "Benevolence is the heart of man, and righteousness is the way of man. It’s so sad to give up on the right path and not pursue it, and to lose your conscience and not ask for help! If a person loses a chicken or a dog, he knows how to look for it, but if a person loses his conscience, he doesn’t know how to look for it. The principle of learning is nothing more than to find the lost conscience.
Mencius said: "The Tung Catalpa in the arch is a tree that people want to grow, and everyone knows how to nourish it. As for the body, if you don’t know how to take care of it, how can you love your body any less than Tongzi? Firth is nothing. "(Gaozi 1)
[Translation] (Mencius said:) "There are only one or two thick tung trees and catalpa trees. If people want to make them grow, they all know how to cultivate them. As for myself, I don’t know how to cultivate it. Isn’t it better to love yourself than to love the tung tree and the catalpa tree? It's so mindless. ”
Mencius said: “The body has its noble and inferior qualities, as well as its size. Nothing can harm the great with the small, and nothing can harm the noble with the humble. He who raises something big is called a villain, and anyone who raises something big is called a great person. "(Gaozi 1)
[Translation] (Mencius said:) "The body has important parts and unimportant parts, and there are big and small parts. Don't protect small parts at the expense of large parts, and don't protect minor parts at the expense of important parts. People who only care for small parts of their bodies are low-moral people, while people who care for large parts of their bodies are noble gentlemen."
Mencius said: "People cannot be shameless. . "(With all my heart)
[Translation] (Mencius said:) "People cannot be without shame. The kind of shame that does not know shame is the real shame. "
Cao Jiao asked: "Everyone can be Yao and Shun, but how many of them are there? "
Mencius said: "Yes. " (Part 2)
[Translation] Cao Jiao asked: "Everyone can become a good person like Yao and Shun. Is this true? "
Mencius said: "Yes. ”
Mencius said: “Shame is great for people. It is a skillful person who has no use for shame.” If you are not ashamed and not like a human being, why should you be like a human being? "(Dedicate your heart)
[Translation] (Mencius said:) "The heart of shame is of great importance to people. People who engage in deceitful and speculative things have no place to use shame. If you are not ashamed of not being able to catch up with others, how can you catch up with others? "Mencius' classic famous sayings 3
(1) Without rules, there is no square or circle.
(2) Right, then you will know the importance; measure, then you will know the length.
(3) People can do nothing, and then they can do something.
(4) Although there are things that are easy to grow in the world, if they are violent in one day and cold in ten days, nothing can be born.
(5) Those who advance sharply will retreat quickly.
(6) The mind is thinking, and if you think, you will get it. If you don’t think, you won’t be able to achieve it.
(7) Born in sorrow and died in happiness.
(8) It is better for a benevolent person to be in a high position. To be unkind is to spread evil to others.
(9) If the emperor is unkind, he will not protect the world; if the princes are unkind, he will not protect the country; if the ministers are unkind, they will not protect the ancestral temple; if the common people are unkind, they will not protect the four bodies.
(10) If the king is benevolent, he will not protect the country. The world is invincible.
(11) Less punishment, less taxation, easier farming.
(12) The benevolent are invincible.
(13) Five acres. The house is covered with mulberry trees. If you are fifty, you can wear silk and chickens. If you are seventy, you can eat meat. If you are seventy, you can eat it. There is no need to be hungry. If you follow the teachings of Xiangxu and apply the principles of filial piety and brotherhood, you will live up to your expectations on the road.
(14) If you change your land and reduce your taxes, you will make the people rich. Yes.
(15) A king must be benevolent; a king must be righteous; a king must be upright;
(16) The people will also be happy if they are happy. Happy; those who care about the people's worries will also care about their worries.
(17) Being benevolent is an honor, but being unkind is a disgrace.
(18) Those who have permanent property have perseverance, but those who have no permanent property will have perseverance. If you don’t have perseverance, you will do whatever it takes to ward off evil.
(19) Fight for land and kill people to fill the fields; fight for the city and kill people to fill the city. This is called leading the land to eat. Human flesh, the crime is not punishable by death.
(20) If the king treats his ministers as his limbs, then his ministers will regard him as his heart; if the king regards his ministers as dogs and horses, then his ministers will regard him as his fellow countrymen; If the soil is mustard, then the minister will regard you as a bandit.
(21) Fish is what I want, and bear’s paws are also what I want; you cannot have both, and you would give up fish and take bear’s paws. Life is what I want, and righteousness is what I want. You cannot have both, and you have to sacrifice life for righteousness.
(22) When I am old, I am related to the old of others; when I am young, I am related to the young of others.
(23) Those who have gained the right will get many help, but those who have lost the right will have little help. When there is little help, relatives will be there; when there is much help, the world will follow.
(24) The weather is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the people.
(25) It is not benevolent to kill someone without sin, and it is not righteous to take something that does not exist.
(26) Those who rebel against benevolence are called "thieves", and those who rebel against righteousness are called "crippling". Those who are crippled thieves are called "one husband". I have heard of the execution of one husband, Zhou, but I have not heard of regicide.
(27) The wise are in office and the capable are in office.
(28) Respect the virtuous and enable the capable, and the heroes will reign.
(29) The people are the most valuable, the country is the second most important, and the king is the least important.
(30) Civil matters cannot be postponed.
(31) If it is not contrary to the farming season, the grain will not be enough to eat; if a few grains of grain are not put into the pond, the fish and turtles will not be enough to eat; if the ax and kilograms are brought into the forest at the right time, the wood will not be enough to use. Grain, fish and turtles cannot be eaten, and wood cannot be used, so that the people can live and die without regret.
(32) There is fat meat in the kitchen, fat horses in the stables, the people are hungry, and there are hungry people in the wild. This is how the beasts eat people.
(33) When Jie and Zhou lost the world, they also lost their people; those who lost their people also lost their hearts. There is a way to win the world: if you win its people, you will win the world; if you win its people, you will win the world; if you win their hearts, you will win the people; if you win their hearts, you will have a way: gather with them what you want, and do not do to them what you want.
(34) A wise ruler will control the people's property so that they can serve their parents and their wives, and they will be full in the happy years and avoid death in the bad years.
(35) To protect the people and become king, no one can control it.
(36) The three treasures of the princes are: land, people, and political affairs. Those with precious stones and jade will surely suffer disaster.
(37) Heaven descends upon the people to serve as kings and teachers, only to say that they are helped by God and favored by them.
(38) Everyone can be Yao and Shun.
(39) A wife must insult herself, and then others will insult her; a family must destroy herself, and then others will destroy it; a country must destroy itself, and then others will destroy it.
(40) He who seeks both misfortune and good fortune by himself.
(41) A gentleman does not complain about heaven or blame others.
(42) Wealth and honor cannot be kinky, poverty and lowliness cannot be moved, and power cannot be surrendered. This is called a true man.
(43) Those who bully themselves cannot be talked to; those who give up on themselves cannot be talked to.
(44) To nourish the heart, don’t be good at having few desires.
(45) If you say it is a great person, you will despise it, but do not look down upon its majesty.
(46) Therefore, when Heaven is about to assign a great responsibility to a person, he must first strain his mind, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, and deplete his heart. It has been beneficial to what it cannot do.
(47) A respectful person will not insult others, and a thrifty person will not take away from others.
(48) Those who love others will always be loved by others; those who respect others will always be respected by others.
(49) Don’t rely on elders, don’t rely on nobles, don’t rely on brothers but be friends.
(50) In a prosperous year, the children will be many and unlucky; in a bad year, the children will be many and violent. This is not because of talent sent from heaven, but because of the indulgence in one's heart.