Gou Jian's siege was also at the scene. He chewed and sighed, "What about this last one?" Confucius said, "The soup is the summer platform, the king of Wen is imprisoned in the wheat field, and Jin is struggling and struggling. If you look at it, why not bless it? "
Since the state of Wu pardoned the state of Yue, Gou Jian, the king of Yue, rebelled, but he was too worried about his health to sit down. When he sat down, he was afraid of eating and drinking. Yue: "That woman will remember shame?"
White operation, Mrs. Self-weaving, no meat, no clothes, tribute to sages, thick guests, hanging poor, and working with the people.
Gou Jian, King of Yue, was trapped in Kuaiji Mountain. He sighed, "am I finished here?" Wen Zhong said: "The shopping mall was once imprisoned in Xiatai, Zhou Wenwang was once imprisoned in Shili, Jin Wengong struggled (was accused) and went out of Zhai Guo, and Qi Huangong Xiaobai avoided chaos and got rid of moss. They finally established hegemony.
From this point of view, why can't (worry) be turned into happiness? After the heavenly king pardoned the King of Yue, Gou Jian, the King of Yue, returned to his native land, so he personally experienced the pain and deeply reflected. He put the gallbladder next to his seat, sat down and looked up. When he ate, he saw the gallbladder and tasted it. He often said to himself, "Have you forgotten the shame of recording failure?"
He personally went to the fields, and his wife personally weaved, ate meatless, wore clothes of more than two colors, put down her airs and treated the wise, the guests, the poor families, sympathized with the families of the deceased, and worked as hard as the people.
Extended data:
Historical allusions in "Sleeping on your salary and tasting bravery"
In 496 BC, He Lv, the king of Wu, sent troops to attack Yue. Defeated by Gou Jian, the King of Yue, He Lv was seriously injured. Before he died, he asked his son Focha to avenge him. Fu Cha remembered his father's words and stepped up training day and night, ready to attack Yue.
Two years later, Fu Cha led his troops to defeat Gou Jian, who was surrounded and committed suicide. At this time, Wen Zi, the counselor, advised him: "The minister of Wu, Ai Bo, is greedy for money and lustful, so he can send someone to bribe him." Gou Jian listened to Wen Zi's advice and sent him to bribe his uncle with treasure. Uncle promised Wen Zi to meet the prince of Wu.
When Wen Zi met the King of Wu, he presented a treasure and said, "The King of Yue is willing to surrender and be your servant. Please forgive him. " Abel also stood by to help Wen Zi speak.
Wu Zixu stood up and protested loudly: "People often say' root causes should be eradicated', Gou Jian is far-sighted, and Wen Zi and Fan Li are smart and capable. If they are released this time, they will definitely find ways to get revenge when they go back!" At that time, Fu Cha thought that the state of Yue was dying, so he did not listen to Wu Zixu's advice, agreed to the surrender of the state of Yue, and withdrew his troops to the state of Wu.
After the withdrawal of troops from Wu, Gou Jian came to Wu with his wife and doctor Fan Li, served the king of Wu, herded cattle and sheep, and finally won the king's love and trust. Three years later, they were released and returned to China.
After returning to China, Gou Jian was determined to make a fortune and prepare for revenge. He was afraid that he would covet an easy life and stifle his ambition for revenge. At night, he sleeps on a pile of straw with weapons on his pillow. He also hung a gallbladder at home and tasted it every morning. The soldier outside asked him, "Have you forgotten the shame of three years?"
He put Wen Zi in charge of state affairs and Fan Li in charge of the army. He personally went to the fields to work with farmers, and his wife also spun and woven. Gou Jian's behavior touched the officials and people of Yue State. After ten years of hard struggle, the state of Yue finally became armed, from weak to strong.
Fu Cha, the prince of Wu, is obsessed with hegemony, regardless of the sufferings of people's livelihood. He also listened to Abreu's evil words and killed Wu Zixu, a loyal minister. In the end, Fuxi claimed to be the king and the vassal. But at this time, Wu, seemingly powerful, has actually gone downhill.
In 482 BC, Fu Cha personally led the army to the north, competing with the State of Jin for the title of vassal. Gou Jian, the King of Yue, used the elite troops of the State of Wu to make a surprise attack, defeated Wu Bing in one fell swoop and killed his prince friend. After hearing the news, Fu Cha hurried home and sent someone to make peace with Gou Jian. Gou Jian estimated that Wu could not be destroyed at once, so he agreed.
In 478 BC, Gou Jian personally led troops to attack Wu for the second time. At this time, the State of Wu was already a spent force, unable to withstand the strong onslaught of the Vietnamese army, and suffered repeated defeats. Finally, Fu Cha sent someone to make peace with Gou Jian, and Fan Li insisted on destroying Wu. Fu Cha saw that peace could not be achieved and regretted not listening to Wu Zixu's advice. He was so ashamed that he drew his sword and committed suicide.