The famous ancient Confucius said, "People without faith don't know what they can do." As this sentence says, Liu Yiqing's Shi Shuo Xin Yu explains this sentence well. Chen Taiqiu made an appointment with a friend, but the friend failed to keep the appointment on time. Instead, I complained that Qiu didn't wait for him. Yuan, who is only seven years old, said that white people should not break their promises and be rude, so he retorted to his friends: "It is rude to scold your father before the day." Shame their friends. How can people survive if they don't keep their promises?
To be honest, the country is sincere. As a value concept, honesty is an important content of socialist core values. Throughout the ages, honesty is an indispensable operating rule of society and a valuable spiritual wealth of social progress. Contemporary China is in a critical period of comprehensively deepening reform and perfecting the socialist market economic system.
While market economy promotes economic and social development, it also brings money worship and all wrong ideas that value money. Lack of honesty and moral anomie have become social hazards, seriously damaging the healthy development of the economy, affecting the normal social order and disturbing people's spiritual world. It can be said that honesty is priceless to individuals, enterprises, society and the country.