This language comes from Ten Years of Huan Gong, Zuo Zhuan in the Spring and Autumn Period. The original text is: "When Uncle Yu had jade, Duke Yu asked for it. Propose. When he regretted it, he said:' There is a saying in Zhou:' People are not guilty, but carrying a bag is guilty. How can I use this, and it's harmful to Jia? Is to provide it. Go get his sword. Uncle said,' It's insatiable. Endless will reach me. Then cut off Yu Gong. So Yu Gong ran out of the swimming pool. It means: At the beginning, Uncle Yu had a piece of Baoyu, and Qi Huangong wanted it, but Uncle Yu didn't give it to him. Then, Uncle Yu regretted it and said, "There is a proverb in Zhou that says,' People are guilty only if they have Baoyu.' "So he dedicated Baoyu to Yu Gong. However, Qi Huangong asked for Uncle Yu's sword again, and Uncle Yu said, "This is really insatiable. Such greed will bring me death. " So he sent his troops to attack Yugong. So, Yugong went to the place where he shared the swimming pool. Obviously, this sentence means that greed for treasure will bring disaster. In this story, Uncle Yu gave Baoyu away because he was worried that his greed for treasure would bring disaster. However, Yu Gong was still not satisfied with Baoyu, and was finally defeated because of his insatiable greed. We can see that Zuo Zhuan means that you can avoid disasters without coveting treasures, but it definitely does not mean giving all your treasures to others without principle; If others covet treasure, they may succeed at first, but if they are not satisfied, they will inevitably bring disaster. This sentence was later extended to "guilty talent" and even "guilty color" and so on. We can also say that when a person shows off or covets wealth, talent and beauty, it often brings disaster. There is no sin in wealth, talent and beauty, but when he shows off or covets these things, it may bring disaster. The Book of Changes says, "Slow down the Tibetan thief, and teach her to be immoral." This is also the truth. Mr. Zhang Erqi said: "If you hide slowly and don't know how to prevent it, then you are teaching people to be thieves;" Those who are good at showing off themselves are teaching people to be lewd, so why not? "We should think about it, is this a disease or a wise saying? If anyone is willing to make trouble in order to satisfy his vanity, then show off and covet it.