How lucky, about China, we have witnessed a hundred years of peace, and we have never stopped striving for self-improvement, walked through the rain in Zhongshan and ushered in the spring tide in the South China Sea. Our martyrs saved the day and propped up the building. Make a heart for heaven and earth, make a life for the people, link the past with the future, and create peace for all generations. With my waves, I wish the country's big waves, the people are mountains and rivers, and the mountains and rivers are for the people. The real China people are people who have a childlike heart and an adult heart and live a spiritual life. What a magnificent sacrifice, they dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky. Glowing pearls do not necessarily come from Jinmeng River; You don't have to pick it from Kunlun Mountain. Teenagers should have a cool breeze and a bright moon on their shoulders, and the country should have the backbone to provoke the times. When the trees are graceful, the wind and rain are at your own risk.
A hundred years ago, the mountains and rivers in China were broken and the country was poor; One hundred years later, China is safe and sound, and the country is rich and strong. For the sake of sacrifice and ambition, we dare to change the sun and moon into a new sky. Today, 20 million martyrs died for their country. In exchange, how can you not love? After 65,438+000 years of hard struggle and 65,438+000 years of vicissitudes, our country has been growing in a magnificent historical process, and we are celebrating our centenary birthday, which has just begun.
China Road and China Miracle are praised by the world, seeking happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the nation. Satisfy the people's yearning for a better life and remain firm. Jiangshan belongs to the people, and the people belong to Jiangshan. The dream is ahead, and the road is at your feet.
We are all dream catchers, preparing for the goal of the second century and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; Fight for the cause of * *! Always ready; Do not forget your initiative mind, full of youthful vigor, is determined to the future, and will remain a teenager for a hundred years, striving for youth! Youth is dedicated to the party! Please rest assured that the powerful country has me!