1. What are the sentences with the word "乐" in "The Analects of Confucius"
Isn't it true that one should learn and practice from time to time? Wouldn’t it be great to have friends from far away? Be happy and forget about worries, not knowing that old age is approaching. A benevolent person can make good use of a basket of food and a gourd of drink. In the back alley... he does not change his joy in eating sparingly and drinking water. He bends his arms and pillows and enjoys them. 1. Learning and Chapter Author: Anonymous Master said: "Isn't it right to learn and practice it over time? Isn't it a joy to have friends come from afar? Isn't it a gentleman if a person doesn't know something but is stunned?" Youzi said: "He is also a filial brother. Those who are fond of offending superiors are rare; those who are not willing to offend superiors but are fond of making trouble are rare.
A gentleman is based on his roots and is filial to his brothers. This is the foundation of benevolence! "Knowing one's words and making one's appearance show off one's benevolence!" Zengzi said: "I have to examine myself three times today: Have I been unfaithful in my plans for others? Have I not trusted my friends in my dealings? Have I not learned what I preach?" Confucius said: "In a country with a thousand chariots of Taoism, one must be respectful in his conduct. And trust, use prudently and love others, so that the people can be in good time."
The Master said: "When a disciple enters, he is filial, and when he goes out, he is a brother. Then learn literature. "Zixia said: "A wise person can change his appearance; he can do his best to serve his parents; he can do his best to serve his king; he can keep his words when making friends.
If you don't learn, I will call it learning. "The Master said: "A gentleman will not be powerful if he is not serious, and he will not be solid if he learns.
If you have no friends who are not as good as yourself, don't be afraid to change. Zengzi said: "Be careful to pursue your goals, and the people's virtue will be strong." "Zi Gong said: "Master is gentle, kind, courteous, thrifty and generous. Is it what Master wants that is different from what others want?" Confucius said: "If the father is here, look at his ambition. Observe his behavior; he has not changed his father's ways for three years, which can be called filial piety."
Youzi said: "The use of etiquette is to be harmonious. This is the beauty of the way of the ancient kings. .
It is not possible to be harmonious and to be harmonious without using etiquette." Youzi said: "Trust is close to righteousness, and words can be restored."
Respect is closer to etiquette and far away from shame. Because it does not lose its relatives, it can also be respected."
Confucius said: "A gentleman has nothing to eat and nothing to live in. He is quick to do things and cautious in speech. , It can be said that it is a good thing to learn."
Zi Gong said: "How is it to be poor without flattery, and to be rich without arrogance? "Happy, rich and courteous."
Zi Gong said: "The Book of Songs says: 'It's like cutting, like digging,' like grinding." Zi Gong said: " After giving it, you can tell the people who have gone by and know what is coming. "Confucius said: "Don't worry about others, but you don't know others."
2. 8. Author of Chapter Yi: Anonymous Confucius said to the Ji family: "Eight Yi dancing in the court is tolerable, which one cannot be tolerated?" The three families used "Yong" to clarify, and Confucius said: "'The minister maintains the rule of the public, and the emperor Mu Mu' , Xi took it from the hall of the three families? "Confucius said: "If a person is not benevolent, how can he be happy?" Lin Fang asked about the origin of etiquette, and Confucius said: "What a great question! It is better to be thrifty than to be mournful. "Confucius said: "It is better for the Yi and Di to have their rulers than for the Xia to perish."
The Ji family traveled to Mount Tai. Confucius said to Ran You, "Can you save me?" He replied, "No."
Confucius said, "Wow! Did you ever say that Mount Tai is not as good as the forest?" Confucius said, "A gentleman has nothing to do. Fighting, you must also shoot! Bow and let go, and drink."
Zixia asked: "'The beautiful smile is beautiful, and the beautiful eyes are beautiful.' What does it mean? "Zi said: "The painting is done after the ceremony." Zi said: "The person who started it can talk about the poem."
Said: "I can describe the rites of the Xia Dynasty, but I am not able to conquer them; I can describe the rites of the Yin Dynasty, but I cannot conquer them in the Song Dynasty. The literature is insufficient, so I can conquer them if they are sufficient."
Confucius said: "Since the I don’t want to watch it as it pours in.” Or asked the question.
Confucius said: "I don't know. I know what the speaker is doing to the world. He is like this!" Pointing to his palm.
Offer sacrifices as if they were present, offer sacrifices to gods as if they were present. Confucius said: "I don't offer sacrifices, just as I don't offer sacrifices."
Wang Sunjia asked: "'Rather than be charming to Austria, I would rather be charming to the stove', what do you mean?" Confucius said: "Otherwise, gain I have nothing to pray for. "Zi said: "Zhou was in charge of the second generation, and he was so depressed! I followed Zhou. Or he said: "Who said that the son of Zou people knows the etiquette? When you enter the Taimiao Temple, ask about everything."
When the Master heard about it, he said: "This is the etiquette." The Confucius said: "The shot does not control the skin, it is the power. It's different subjects, it's the ancient way."
Zi Gong wanted to tell Shuo how to feed the sheep, but Zi Gong said: "You love his sheep, and I love his courtesy." Zi Gong said: "Serve you. People think it's flattery if you show courtesy."
Duke Ding asked: "How can you treat your ministers with courtesy?" Confucius said to him, "You should treat your ministers with courtesy, and your ministers should be loyal to you. "Zi said: ""Guan Sui", happy but not obscene, sad but not sad."
Duke Ai asked Yu Zaiwo, and Zaiwo replied: "The Queen of Xia is a native of Yin. When the people of Zhou used Li, they said it would make the people tremble." When the Master heard about it, he said: "Don't talk about it when it is done, don't admonish it when it is done, and don't blame the past.
Confucius said: "Guan Zhong's weapon is small! ” Or said: “Guan Zhongjian?” Said: "The Guan family has three returns. If you don't take care of official affairs, how can you be frugal?" "But does Guan Zhong know etiquette?" " Said: "The king of the country has a tree to block the door, and the Guan family also has a tree to block the door. The king of the country is the best of the two kings, but there is a rebellion. The Guan family also had objections. The Guan family knew the etiquette, but who didn’t know the etiquette? "Zi said that Master Lu was happy and said: "You can know how to enjoy it.
The beginning is like Xi Ruye; from it, it is pure like Ye, Qi Ruye, Yi Ruye, and finally completed. "Yifeng people came to see him and said, "I won't be able to see what the gentleman is like. "
The follower saw this. He said: "Why are the second and third sons worried about mourning? The world has been unruly for a long time. Heaven will use the Master as a wooden dome. "
Confucius said "Shao": "It is extremely beautiful, and it is also extremely good. "It is said in "Wu": "It is perfect, but not perfect. "
Confucius said: "It is not generous to live in a superior position, it is disrespectful to be polite, and it is not mournful when mourning. How can I observe it? ". 2. About the poems describing Confucius
Confucius' life experience
According to research, Confucius's sixth-generation ancestor was named Kong Fujia, a doctor in the Song Dynasty who served as a great minister. , was killed in the civil strife in the palace, and his son Mu Jin's father fled to Zou Yi in the state of Lu to avoid the disaster. From then on, the Confucius family settled in Zou Yi and became a native of the Lu state.
Confucius's father. His name is Shulianghe (the courtesy name is Shuliang and the name is He). His mother's name is Yan Zhengzai. Shulianghe was a famous warrior in the Lu State at that time. He had achieved two military exploits. , gave birth to 9 daughters, and had no children. He married a concubine and gave birth to a son named Bernie, also known as Meng Pi. Meng Pi had a problem with his feet, and Shu Liang He was very dissatisfied, so he married Yan Zheng again. Already 66 years old, Yan Zhengzai was less than 20 years old.
In 551 BC (the 22nd year of Lu Xianggong), Confucius was born in Changping Township, Zou Yi, Lu State (now southeast of Qufu City, Shandong Province). Because his parents had prayed in Niqiu Mountain for the birth of a son, he was named Qiu, with the courtesy name Zhongni. When Confucius was three years old, Shuliang He died, and the Confucius family became the world of the Shi family. He was tortured to death by the Shi family one year before his death. Confucius and his son were not tolerated by the Shi family. Confucius' mother Yan Zhengzai had to move to Qufu with Confucius and Meng Pi. Life was difficult when Confucius was 17 years old. At the age of 19, Confucius married the daughter of the Qi Guan family of the Song Dynasty. A year later, the Qi Guan family gave birth to a son. Duke Zhao of Lu sent someone to send a carp to express his congratulations. Confucius felt very honored and named his son Li, with the courtesy name Boyu.
In the 5,000-year history of China, the person who had the greatest influence on the character and temperament of the Chinese nation was Confucius, an educator and thinker. , can be regarded as a half-politician, but he is first and foremost an intellectual of high moral character. He is upright, optimistic, and enterprising. He has been pursuing truth, goodness, and beauty throughout his life, and he has been pursuing his success and ideal society throughout his life. Failure is all related to his character. The advantages and disadvantages of his character have influenced Chinese people for thousands of years, especially Chinese intellectuals.
He forgets to eat and is happy to forget his worries.
When Confucius was 63 years old, he once described himself like this: "I am so angry that I forget to eat, and I am happy and forget my worries. I don't know that old age is coming." "At that time, Confucius had led his disciples to travel around the country for 9 years. After going through many hardships, he not only failed to be appointed by the princes, but also almost died. However, Confucius was not discouraged, remained optimistic, persisted in his ideals, and even did it even when he knew it was impossible to do. .
Be happy in poverty
Confucius said: "Being rich and noble without justice is like a floating cloud to me." In Confucius' mind, doing justice is the highest value of life. When there is a conflict between morality and justice, he would rather suffer poverty than give up morality. However, his desire to live in poverty and enjoy the Tao cannot be regarded as not seeking wealth, but only seeking to maintain Tao. This is not consistent with historical facts. Confucius also said: "Wealth and nobility are the same." What you want is what you want; if you don't follow the way, you won't get it. Poverty and lowliness are what people hate; if you don't follow the right path, you won't get rid of them. "If you are rich and can be sought after, even if you are a whip-wielding man, I will do it." If you can't ask for it, just do what I like. ”
Never tired of learning and teaching
Confucius was famous for his eagerness to learn and showed a strong interest in all kinds of knowledge. Therefore, he was famous for his versatility and profound knowledge at that time. , was almost regarded as an omniscient sage, but Confucius himself did not see it this way. Confucius said: "If you are a sage, I can't do it. I am never tired of learning and I am never tired of teaching." " Confucius learned from the teacher of impermanence that he would worship whoever had knowledge and who had something he didn't know as his teacher, so he said, "When three people are walking together, there must be one who is my teacher."
Walk on the straight path< /p>
Confucius was upright by nature and advocated walking on the straight path. He once said: "As for me, who will criticize me and who will praise me? If you have a reputation, you have to try it. This is the people, the reason why the three generations have followed the straight path. "Historical Records" records that when Confucius was in his thirties, he asked Lao Tzu for etiquette. When leaving, Lao Tzu said: "A person who is wise and insightful and close to the deceased is also a person who likes to discuss others." Those who speak eloquently endanger their own lives and bring evil to others. He who is the son of others should not think of himself, and he who is the subject of others should not think of himself. "This is Laozi's kind reminder to Confucius, and he also points out some of Confucius' shortcomings, that is, he looks at problems too deeply, speaks too sharply, and hurts some people with status, which will bring great danger to himself.
Be kind to others
Confucius founded a moral theory centered on benevolence. He himself was also a very kind person, compassionate, helpful, sincere and generous to others. "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you", "The beauty of a gentleman is the evil of being an adult", "Be kind to yourself and blame others less", etc. are all his principles of life. Confucius said: "When I was fifteen, I was determined to learn; when I was thirty, I was established; when I was forty, I was not confused; when I was fifty, I knew the destiny; when I was sixty, my ears were obedient; when I was seventy, I followed my heart's desires without exceeding the rules." This is Confucius's view of his life. Summary of stages. 3. What are the poems and famous sayings about Confucius?
1. Do to others what you do not want others to do.
2. Being so angry that you forget to eat, being so happy that you forget your worries, not knowing that old age is coming. 3. Be polite and be a gentleman.
4. Zi Jue Four: No intention, no necessity, no solidity, no self. 5. Its knowledge is within reach, but its stupidity is beyond reach.
6. Don’t worry about what others don’t know, but worry about what others don’t know. 7. A gentleman is magnanimous, but a villain is always concerned.
8. People with lofty ideals and benevolence do not seek life to harm their benevolence, but they sacrifice themselves to achieve benevolence. 9. Is it tolerable? Which one is intolerable? 10. If you love benevolence but don't learn, you are a fool; if you love knowledge but don't learn, you are a fool; if you love faith but don't learn, you are a thief; if you love straightforwardness but don't learn, you are a fool; if you are brave but don't learn, you are a covert. It's chaotic; it's hard to learn, and it's also crazy.
11. When you see a virtuous person, think about them; when you see a virtuous person, you should reflect on yourself. 12. Those who know by birth are the best; those who know by learning are the second; those who are tired and learn are the second; those who are tired but do not learn are the worst.
13. There is no need to worry about not having a position; If you don't have trouble, don't know it. If you want to know it, you can know it.
14. When the year is cold, the pines and cypresses will wither. 15. Smart and eager to learn, and not ashamed to ask questions.
16. Rotten wood cannot be carved. 17. When a bird is about to die, its song is mournful; when a man is about to die, his words are also kind.
18. A great virtue should not spend too much time, but a small virtue can go in and out. 19. If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools.
20. The way of a university lies in being virtuous, being close to the people, and striving for perfection. 21. If you are above the middle person, you can speak well; if you are below the middle person, you cannot speak well.
22. People who have no long-term worries must have immediate worries. 23. If you want to establish, you will establish others; if you want to achieve, you will reach others.
24. The so-called sincerity of one's intention is not to deceive oneself, such as hating a bad smell or being lustful. This is called self-effacing, so a gentleman must be careful about his own behavior. 25. If jade is not polished, it will not become a useful tool; if people do not learn it, they will not know it.
Therefore, the ancient kings, who established the country and the people, put teaching first. 26. If you hesitate, everything will stand; if you don’t, it will be ruined.
27. Similar in nature, but far apart in habits. 28. If you don’t learn enough, you are afraid of losing it.
29. I don’t eat all day long, stay up all night, thinking, it’s useless, it’s better to learn. 30. A gentleman is ashamed of his words rather than his actions.
31. Benevolence is beauty. How can you know if you choose not to be benevolent? 32. If you are an official, you will be good at learning; if you are good at learning, you will be an official. 33. Aspire to the Tao, base on virtue, rely on benevolence, and wander in art.
34. The beauty of a gentleman is not the evil of a man. The villain is on the contrary.
35. Those who are virtuous must cultivate their words, but those who are eloquent do not need to cultivate their virtues. 36. Being sensitive, eager to learn, and not ashamed to ask questions is called "literary".
37. The sun knows where one is dead, and the moon does not forget what one can do. It can be said that one is eager to learn. 38. To govern with virtue is like Beichen, who lives in his place and is surrounded by stars.
39. If you don’t learn etiquette, you can’t stand up. 40. There is no discrimination without education.
41. Be knowledgeable and determined, ask questions carefully and think deeply, this is where benevolence lies. 42. If you can talk to someone but don’t talk to them, you will lose someone.
If you can't talk to someone, it's a mistake to talk to them. He who knows does not lose people, nor does he lose words.
43. Talking about something without saying anything is called impatience; talking about something without speaking is called hiding; speaking without seeing the color is called blindness. 44. When I was fifteen, I was committed to learning; when I was thirty, I was established; when I was forty, I was not confused; when I was fifty, I knew the destiny; when I was sixty, my ears were obedient; when I was seventy, I followed my heart's desires without going beyond the rules.
45. The three armies can seize the commander, but an ordinary man cannot seize the will. 46. ??People who have no faith do not know what is possible.
How can a big cart move without a hook and a small cart without a pulley? 47. A wise man changes his appearance; he can serve his parents to the best of his ability; he can devote himself to serving his king; he can keep his word with his friends. Although I say I haven’t learned yet, I call it learning.
48. Wealth can be sought after, even if you are a whip-wielding man, I will do it. If you can't ask for it, do as I like.
49. A gentleman has nine thoughts: looking to think clearly, listening to thinking wise, looking to think warm. Think of respect in appearance, loyalty in words, respect in deeds, doubts and questions, anger and difficulty, and meaning in seeing.
50. The purpose of etiquette is harmony. 51. Wealth and honor are what people want; if you don’t follow the right path, you won’t get them.
Poverty and lowliness are what people hate. 52. The past cannot be admonished, but the future can still be pursued.
53. Gentlemen are harmonious but not uniform; villains are harmonious but not harmonious. 54. People who have no faith do not know what is possible.
55. Scholars must be ambitious and have a long way to go. Isn’t it important to consider benevolence as one’s own responsibility? Isn't it just too far to die before oneself? 56. A gentleman has his own interests, and then seeks help from others.
57. If his body is upright, he will not do what he is told; if his body is not upright, he will not do what he is told. 58. When joy, anger, sorrow, and joy have not yet arisen, they are called in the middle. When they arise, they are all in the middle, and they are called harmony.
To achieve neutrality, the heaven and earth are in place, and all things are nurtured. 59. Poetry can be exciting, contemplative, group-building, and resentful.
Those who are near serve the father, those who are far away serve the king; they are more familiar with the names of birds, beasts, and trees. 60. A wise person enjoys water, and a benevolent person enjoys mountains.
The wise are active, the benevolent are still, the wise are happy, the benevolent are long-lived. 61. Words of loyalty and deeds of sincerity and respect, even in a barbaric country, can be done.
Is it okay to be dishonest in words and dishonest in deeds, even if you live in a state? 62. When three of us travel together, there must be one who is my teacher. 63. The wise do not be confused, the benevolent do not worry, the brave do not fear.
64. It is easy for a gentleman to do things but difficult to say. If you don't talk about it in a way, you don't say it; if you use it to make others, you should use it.
For a villain, things are difficult but easy to say. Although it cannot be said, it can be said; and it can be used to make others prepared.
65. There are three friends who benefit and three friends who harm. Friends who are straight, friends who are understanding, and friends who are knowledgeable are beneficial.
Friends are friendly, friendly and gentle, friends are sycophantic, which is a loss. 66. If you learn without thinking, you will be in vain; if you think without learning, you will be in danger.
67. Those who know are not as good as those who are good at it, and those who are good at it are not as good as those who are happy. 68. Master is always good at enticing people. He persuades me with words and invites me with courtesy.
69. The way of a gentleman is revealed by the sun; the way of a villain is revealed by the sun. The way of a gentleman is simple but not tiring, concise and written, gentle and reasonable, knowing the distance and the near, knowing the origin of the wind, and knowing the appearance of the subtle, which can lead to virtue.
70. A gentleman has three warnings: when he is young, his blood energy is not stable, and he should be careful about his appearance; when he is in his prime, his blood energy is strong, he should be careful about fighting; when he is old, his blood energy has declined, and he should be careful about fighting. have to. 71. Future generations are to be feared. How could we know that those who come are not as good as they are now? If you are forty or fifty and you are not heard about it, then you are not afraid of it.
72. A gentleman cherishes virtue, while a villain cherishes earth; a gentleman cherishes punishment, while a villain cherishes favor. 73. Isn’t it a joy to learn and practice from time to time? 74. To know is to know, and to know is not to know. This is knowledge.
75. A gentleman is likened to righteousness, and a villain is likened to benefit. 76. Never tire of learning and teaching.
77. Virtue is never alone, it must have neighbors. 78. No one knows the evil of his son, nor the strength of his seedling.
79. If you are so angry that you forget to eat, if you are happy you forget your worries, you don’t know that old age is coming. 80. Don’t do it to others even if you don’t want to do it to yourself.
81. The dead are like this! Don't give up day and night. 82. A prosperous house, a healthy body with virtue, a broad mind and a fat body, so a gentleman must be sincere in his intentions.
83. Even if it is a small road, there must be something to behold. Going far away is afraid of mud, so a gentleman will not do it. 84. If you don’t uphold your virtues and don’t have a firm belief, how can you be successful? How can one die? 85. If you are not troubled, you don’t know who you are, and when you are troubled, you don’t know who you are.
86. Learned. 4. What are the poems about Confucius
1. "Confucius" Poet: Chen Chun Dynasty: Song Dynasty
Confucius was born in Donglu, and he was gentle and honest. The teaching method of the Six Classics is the master of all ages.
2. "Tai Gong Confucius" Poet: Fang Hui Dynasty: Song Dynasty
Ti is full of worries in the world, and he is not free when he comes. Confucius could hardly change Lu after three thousand years, but Taigong still prospered Zhou when he was eighty years old. The stars are constantly changing over time, and the tides in the rivers and seas will flow backwards. The principle of profit and loss is like this, so you have to save money and go on a drunken trip to the countryside.
3. "It is a pity that Confucius is gone" Poet: Wang Anshi Dynasty: Song Dynasty
It is a pity that Confucius is gone, and there is no unicorn in his thousand years. Chi Chi has done all the business, who can treasure this thing? Han Wu got a corner and burned it to accuse ghosts and gods. He even used it to cast gold and spread the word to future generations.
4. "Confucius" Poet: Wang Anshi Dynasty: Song Dynasty
Sages are powerful and knowledgeable, and scholars gain nothing. Although it is said that there was no Confucius in ancient times, how can a midge know that the sky is high? Uncle Huan and Wu wanted to scratch a piece of grass and shake the peach, regardless of his ability. Yan Hui has become unpredictable, and he will look up to him until he dies.
5. "Reply to Boyong" Poet: Feng Jing Dynasty: Song Dynasty
Confucius's writings are all over the world, and Confucius's teachings are all over the world. Those who get the literature are like disciples of public ministers, and those who get the way are hungry husbands.
5. Ancient poems about music
Poems about music
1. A husband only takes shortcuts to embarrass himself; but a member of the party steals happiness
(Pre-Qin Qu Yuan ·"Li Sao")
2. Kunwu Silk and Bamboo Holding a Cup of Music
(Song Dynasty·Xin Qiji·"Partridge Sky")
3. Fang Feifei Qi Mi Zhang; people have their own happiness in their livelihood
(Pre-Qin Dynasty·Qu Yuan·Li Sao)
4. Talking about holidays and having fun together; the drama of being promoted to emperor
(Pre-Qin Dynasty, Qu Yuan, "Li Sao")
5. Cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle is fun
(Tang Dynasty, Li Bai, "Jianjinjiu")
6. King Chen had a banquet in the old days
(Li Bai, Tang Dynasty, "About to Enter the Wine")
7. Jincheng is full of joy
< p> (Li Bai, Tang Dynasty, "The Road to Shu is Difficult")8. The same is true for worldly pleasures
(Li Bai, Tang Dynasty, "Dream Wandering in Heaven's Songs and Farewell")
9. Enjoy a glass of wine before you die
(Li Bai, Tang Dynasty, "Traveling is Difficult")
10. Strong music is tasteless
(Song Dynasty, Song Dynasty) Liu Yong·"Butterflies in Love with Flowers") 6. Ancient poems about Confucius
1. "In Praise of Confucius' Family" Two Han Dynasties: Sima Qian
Original text:
Shi Lu , I watched Zhongni’s temple, carriages, clothes, and ritual vessels, and all the students used to practice rituals in their homes. I only stayed back and could not go away.
As for the kings of the world, as for the virtuous people, they are prosperous at that time, but they are gone when they are gone.
Confucius’ common clothes have been handed down for more than ten generations and are followed by scholars.
Since the days of the emperor and princes, those who spoke of the "Six Arts" in Chinese were compromised by the Master, and they can be said to be the most holy!
Translation: When I went to Lu, I saw Zhongni’s ancestral temple halls, vehicles, clothing, ritual instruments, and Confucian scholars practicing etiquette at the former residence of Confucius on time. I was so lingering that I couldn’t leave.
There are many, many people in the world, from kings to sages. They are all glorious for a while while alive, but they are finished after death. Confucius was a commoner, passed down for more than ten generations, and scholars respected him. From the emperor to the princes, all those who study the Six Classics in the Central Plains must use Confucius as the standard to judge right and wrong. Confucius can be said to be the supreme sage!
2. "Jing Zou Lu sacrificed to Confucius and sighed" Tang Dynasty: Li Longji
Original text:
What did the Master do?
The land is still the town of Zou, and the house is the palace of the King of Lu.
Sighing at the phoenix's body, hurting Lin and complaining about the poor way.
Looking at the two couplets today, it should be the same as the dream.
Dear Master Confucius, you have worked hard all your life and traveled around the world. What do you want to accomplish? Today, this place is still the city of Zhou County, and you were finally buried in the land of your birth. However, your old house was destroyed by descendants and rebuilt into the Lu Palace. When you were living, when the phoenix and the bird did not arrive, you lamented your bad fate; when the unicorn appeared, you felt sad and lamented that the world was in chaos and the country was poor.
Your life has been unhappy. Seeing you sitting between the two couplets in front of the hall today, accepting the worship of future generations, just like what you saw in your dreams during your lifetime, I think you should feel a little comforted.
3. "Reply to Boyong" by Feng Jing, Song Dynasty
Original text:
Confucius's writings are everywhere in the world, and Confucius's teachings are everywhere in the world.
Those who get the literary skills will be officials and disciples, and those who get the Tao will be hungry husbands.
Translation: Confucius’s literary talent is known all over the world, and Confucius’ Confucianism and Taoism are used all over the world. Those who get his literature are all public officials and disciples, and those who get his principles are poor people.
4. "Zou Lu, a Confucian scholar and a Confucian scholar, made the Scriptures of the Holy Scriptures of Fenghe" Tang Dynasty: Zhang Shuo
Original text:
Zou Lu, a Confucian Feng Aidian grave.
Long Chen returns to his old house, and Feng De sings his lingering fragrance.
Translation: Sage Kong’s home is in the state of Lu, and his Confucian style is world-famous. When the emperor's chariots came to his residence, they all praised his merits.
5. "It is a pity that Confucius is gone" Song Dynasty: Wang Anshi
Original text:
It is a pity that Confucius is gone, and there is no unicorn in his thousand years.
Chi Chi is all the merchants, who can treasure this thing?
Translation: Lamenting the absence of Confucius in this world is like the absence of Qilin in a thousand years. The world is full of ignorance and appearance, who can know how valuable this kind of thing is.