Confucius: Attitude towards life
A scholar is committed to the Tao, but he is ashamed of those who wear bad clothes and eat badly, which is not enough to discuss. He is so angry that he forgets to eat, he is so happy that he forgets his worries, and he does not know that old age is coming... Eat sparingly, drink water, bend your arms and rest on them, and enjoy them. Being rich and noble without justice is like a floating cloud to me. Xianzai, come back! A basket of food and a ladle of drink, in a back alley, people can't bear to worry about it. Even if I return, I will not change my joy. Xianzai, come back! Wealth and honor are what people want; if they don't follow the right path, they won't get it. Poverty and lowliness are what people hate; if you don't follow the right path, you won't get rid of them. If you are rich and can be sought after, even if you are a whip-carrying man, I will do it. If you can't ask for it, do as I like. Isn’t it great to have friends from far away? Think of righteousness when you see benefit, and give orders when you see danger. Cultivation of oneself to bring respect to oneself Cultivation of oneself to bring peace of mind to others...Cultivation of oneself to bring peace of mind to the people. You can support an orphan six feet away, you can send a life a hundred miles away, and you can't take it away on a big day. A man with lofty ideals and benevolence will not harm his benevolence by seeking life, but will sacrifice his life to achieve benevolence. The king died due to illness and his name was not known. A man who is a good man is upright and righteous. Observe words and colors, and consider the following people. A gentleman is peaceful but not arrogant; a villain is arrogant but not arrogant. For a gentleman, things are easy but difficult to express (pleasure). Saying (pleasure) is not done in the right way, not saying (pleasure). A gentleman's official position is to act righteously. Zi said Yu Chan. There are four principles of a gentleman: he behaves respectfully towards himself, he is respectful in his conduct, he benefits the people when he nourishes them, and he treats the people righteously. Gentlemen are harmonious but different; villains are harmonious but not harmonious. A gentleman is reserved and does not fight, and he is a group but not a party. A gentleman is not careful in comparing himself with others, while a villain is not careful in comparing himself with others. A gentleman is magnanimous, but a villain is always worried. The benevolent do not worry, the wise do not be confused, the brave do not fear. If you act in favor of profit, you will complain a lot. Seeking benevolence and gaining benevolence, why complain? If quality is better than literature, the country will be wild; if literature is better than quality, history will be achieved. Be polite, then be a gentleman. A gentleman seeks the road but not food; a gentleman worries about the road but not poverty. How can we not care about the French language? Change it to expensive. If you hold your hand and talk to it, can you say nothing? Make it valuable. If I say it without interpreting it, and therefore without changing it, then I am no longer as good as I am. Seeing the good is like exploring the soup. A gentleman respects the virtuous and tolerates others, praises the good but is reserved. Being a scholar is not enough to be a scholar! Life motto: If you don’t learn etiquette, you can’t stand up. Do to others what you do not want others to do. If you want to establish yourself, you can establish others; if you want to reach yourself, you can reach others. If you are generous to yourself but do not blame others, you will be far away from resentment. When you see a virtuous person, you think about them all; when you see a virtuous person, you reflect on yourself. When three people walk together, they must have a teacher. Choose those who are good and follow them, and choose those who are not good and change them. I examine myself three times every day: Am I being unfaithful to others? Have you ever left a letter with a friend? Are you not used to it? Be respectful where you live, be respectful in your work, and be loyal to others. A gentleman is respectful and courteous, and he is respectful and courteous to others. He is a brother in the world. He is loyal in words and respectful in actions. This is true even in a barbaric country. If you are not faithful in words and respectful in deeds, how can you do it even if you live in the state? If one behaves oneself with shame, and can be used in all directions without dishonoring the emperor's orders, one can be called a scholar. Confucius said: "He who can do the five things will be benevolent in the world." Please ask. Said: "Gong, generosity, trust, sensitivity, and benefit. Being respectful means not insulting, being lenient means winning people, being trustworthy means being able to do whatever you want, being sensitive means being successful, and being merciful means being able to win over others." A gentleman takes righteousness as a pledge, conducts it with propriety, develops it as a disciple, and fulfills it by faith. What a gentleman! To make a mistake without correcting it is to make a mistake! If it’s too late, you’ll be afraid to change it in a hurry. Don't express your anger, don't make mistakes. The three armies can seize the commander, but an ordinary man cannot seize the will! If a person has no long-term worries, he must have immediate worries. No desire for haste, no small gain. If you want haste, you will not achieve anything; if you see small gains, you will not achieve great things. Scholars must be ambitious and have a long way to go. Isn’t it important to consider benevolence as one’s own responsibility? Isn't it just too far to die before oneself? If one does not uphold one's virtues and does not have a firm belief in the Tao, how can he be able to exist or how can he be destroyed? When making friends, keep your word. Use literature to make friends, and friends to help benevolence. There are three friends who will benefit, and three friends who will lose. Friends who are straight, friends who are understanding, and friends who are knowledgeable are beneficial. If you have friends, you will be brave. If you are friendly, you will be gentle. If you have friends, you will be sycophantic, which is a loss. A gentleman wants to be slow in words but quick in deeds. A gentleman who has nothing to eat and seek to be satisfied, and who has nothing to seek for peace of mind, who is sensitive to things and careful in his words, has the right and correct way, and he can be said to be eager to learn. Clever words and bad morals. Clever words and beautiful words are fresh and benevolent. Strength, perseverance, wood, indifference and benevolence. Those who are virtuous must cultivate their words, and those who are eloquent do not need to cultivate their virtues. Listen to his words and watch his actions. You don’t use your words to lift people up, and you don’t use people to waste your words. The ancients could not speak out their words, and they could not catch them even if they were ashamed. A gentleman's name must be something that can be said, and what he says must be feasible. A gentleman must be unscrupulous in his words. If you can talk to someone but don't talk to them, you will miss someone; if you talk to someone you can't talk to, you will lose your words. He who knows does not lose people, nor does he lose words. To say something without mentioning it is called impatience, to say something without mentioning it is called concealment, and to say it has no color is called blindness. If you love benevolence but don't learn, you will be blind; if you love knowledge but don't learn, you will be blind; if you love faith but don't learn, you will be a thief; if you love straightforwardness but don't learn, then you will be blind; if you love courage but don't learn, then the cover will be chaotic; If you are stubborn and don't learn well, you will be blind and crazy. If you are respectful but rude, you will be tired; if you are cautious but rude, you will be embarrassed; if you are brave but rude, you will be chaotic; if you are straight but rude, you will be strangled. To serve the king, respect his duties and then his food. For the purpose of etiquette, harmony is the most precious thing. If you act in favor of profit, you will complain a lot. Confucius on learning: To know is to know, and to know is not to know, which is knowledge. If I am the author without knowing it, then I am not the author. If you hear a lot, choose the good ones and follow them; if you see a lot, you will recognize them. If you are holy, I cannot do it. I am never tired of learning and never tired of teaching. If you don't learn enough, you are afraid of losing it. He is sensitive and eager to learn, and he is not ashamed to ask questions. Use the able to ask questions about the incompetent, use the many to ask about the few; if there is something there, if there is nothing, if it is true, it will be false. If you make mistakes, you will not correct them. Prosperous in poetry and established in etiquette. Be happy. Ambition is based on Tao, based on virtue, based on benevolence, and wandering in art. If you are not angry, you will not be enlightened; if you are not angry, you will not be angry. If you take one corner and don't turn it back with three, it won't happen again. Those who know are not as good as those who are good at it, and those who are good at it are not as good as those who are happy. I have not eaten all day long, and have not slept all night long, thinking, it is useless, it is not as good as learning. If you learn without thinking, you will be in vain; if you think without learning, you will be in danger. Those who are evil must be investigated; those who are good must be observed.
Isn’t it true that one should learn and practice from time to time? If you review the past and learn the new, you can become a teacher. The sun knows where he is dead, and the moon has not forgotten what he can do. It can be said that he is eager to learn. If you don’t learn poetry, you won’t be able to express it. Poetry can be exciting, contemplative, group-building, and resentful. Those who are near serve the father, those who are far away serve the king; they are more familiar with the names of birds, beasts, grass and trees. People without perseverance cannot be witch doctors. There is no class without education. If I can restrain myself above all else, I will not be without teachings. The function of rites in the Book of Rites was originally written as husband's rites, so it can determine relatives and distance, resolve suspicions, distinguish similarities and differences, and clarify right and wrong. The etiquette is not arrogant (say: Tong "pleases") people, and no expense is spared. The etiquette should not exceed the festival, do not invade and insult, and should not be rude. Cultivating one's body and practicing one's words is called good deeds, practicing one's words. The quality of etiquette. Translation etiquette is used to determine closeness and distance, quickly eliminate suspicion, distinguish similarities and differences, and distinguish right from wrong. Follow etiquette, do not please others at will, and do not say unnecessary words. Follow etiquette, do not exceed moral standards, do not insult others, and do not be frivolous in dealing with others. Self-cultivation of one's own body and the unity of words and deeds are good deeds. Behaving in a well-mannered manner and speaking in accordance with etiquette are the essence of etiquette. The original text is courtesy: reciprocity: going but not coming is not polite; coming but not going is also not polite. If a person is polite, he will be safe, but if he is not polite, he will be in danger. Therefore, it is said: Those who are polite must learn it. Those who are respectful to their husbands humble themselves but respect others. Even if you are a peddler, you must be respected. And the situation is rich and noble. If you are rich and know how to be courteous, you will not be arrogant or lewd. If you are poor and humble but know how to be polite, your ambition will not be deterred. Translation etiquette advocates mutual interaction between people. It is not in line with etiquette for me to do favors to others but the recipients do not return the favor; it is also not in line with etiquette to do favors to others but not to repay them. Human society is safe if it has etiquette, but it is dangerous if it is not etiquette. Therefore, it is said: "Etiquette must be learned." A person with etiquette is humble and respects others. Even a merchant with a burden must be worthy of respect. place, let alone a wealthy person? If you are rich and know how to celebrate gifts, you will not be arrogant or excessive; if you are poor or humble, if you know how to like etiquette, your ambitions will not be timid. In the original text, the gift of serving parents is the gift of the son of man. It is warm in winter and cool in summer (凊: qìng, meaning "cool"). It is calm in the evening and province in the morning (province: visit). In Chouyi (Chouyi: peers), there is no dispute. Translation: The etiquette of being a son is to make your parents feel warm in winter and cool in summer, to spread pillows and mats for your parents in the evening, to greet your parents in the morning, and not to fight with others among your peers. The original text is that the son of man cannot occupy the right place, cannot sit on the right table, cannot walk in the right way, and cannot stand in the right gate. Food is not a general rule, and sacrifices are not corpses (the ancients dressed up as corpses and danced when offering sacrifices to their ancestors, and people with status usually acted as "corpses"). Hearing is silent, seeing is invisible. Don't climb high, don't face depths, don't be stern, don't smile. Parents are alive, no friends are allowed to die, and no private wealth is allowed. Translation: Sons should not dare to occupy the noble center position in the southwest corner of the home in daily life, dare not walk in the middle of the road, and dare not stand in the middle of the door. Don't dare to be the host during food and feast ceremonies, and don't dare to be the "corpse" during sacrifices. I didn't hear my parents' voices, but I could guess that my parents were calling me. I didn't see my parents, but I could guess that my parents were going to instruct me. Don't climb high places, don't face abyss, don't slander people casually, don't laugh casually. While your parents are still alive, you should not promise your friends even if they die, and you should not save money privately. The original text is in the home of parents and aunts, and those who have orders should be "wei" and respect them. Advance, retreat, Zhouxuan (zhouxuan: turn around) Shenqi (shenqi: cautious and solemn); ascend, descend, go out, enter Yi (yi: perform a salute) You (you: calmly). Dare not burp, sneeze, cough, stretch, lean, look; dare not spit. Don't dare to be cold (attack: here refers to wearing more clothes), don't dare to scratch when itchy. Translation: In front of parents and parents-in-law, if they have any instructions, you should say "yes" and answer their questions respectfully. When entering, going back, or turning around, you must be cautious and solemn. When entering, leaving, going out, or coming in, you must bow first and be calm and generous. In front of parents and parents-in-law, you dare not burp, sneeze, cough, stretch, stand on one leg or lean over; dare not squint, spit or have a runny nose; when the weather is cold, I don’t dare to put on clothes in front of my parents, and I don’t dare to scratch my itchy body in front of my parents. The original text states that my parents had a problem, and they were so happy that they remonstrated in a gentle voice. If the remonstrance does not come in, it is better to give remonstrance than to offend the township, party and state. When parents are angry, they bleed without speaking. They dare not complain, but show respect and filial piety. Translation: When parents make mistakes, they should remonstrate in a low voice and with a pleasant look on their face. If you don't listen to advice, you should be more respectful and filial, and wait until your parents are in a happy mood before giving advice; if your parents are unhappy, rather than letting them offend the local people, you would rather give them diligent advice. Even if your parents are angry and unhappy and whip yourself until they bleed, you will not dare to resent your parents, but you will be more respectful and filial to your parents. The original text states that you are sick and need medicine, so I will taste it first. If you are sick and need medicine, your son will taste it first. He has not been able to heal for three generations, and he will not take his medicine. To imitate (analog: compare) people must be in line with their ethics (lun: kind). Translation: When a monarch takes medicine when he is sick, his ministers must taste it first. When a father takes medicine when he is sick, his son should taste it first. He has been practicing medicine for less than three generations and does not take his medicine. One must compare oneself with others of the same kind. In the original text, a wise person respects him and respects him, fears him and loves him. Love and know its evil, hate and know its good. Accumulation can be dispersed, peace can be moved. When facing wealth, don't beg to get it; when facing difficulties, don't beg to avoid it; don't seek to win very (very: used as a verb here to argue); don't ask for more points; don't question doubts (quality: think you are right). Be straight and don’t have any. Translation: Be close to, respect, admire, and admire sages. Know the shortcomings of those you admire, and the strengths of those you hate. You can save money and give to others, you can be content with your current life and you can adapt to the changing environment.
Don't arbitrarily acquire the property in front of you, don't run away from danger when faced with it, don't blindly seek to win when you have a dispute with others, don't ask for more when distributing property, don't assume you are right when you have doubts about things, and don't assume you are right when you are correct. The original text is "Fu Nengzha" (zhao, fǜ, taking money to help people with funeral arrangements), regardless of the cost. If you ask about illness, you can leave a legacy (bequeath, give gifts to others), and don't ask what they want. When you see someone, you can't find a house, and you don't ask where they live. Those who give it to others don’t ask for it, and those who give it to others don’t ask what they want. Translation: If you go to mourn and cannot spend money to help people with funeral arrangements, don't ask them how much they spent. When you go to comfort the sick without giving them empty gifts, don't ask them what they want. If you meet a guest and cannot arrange accommodation, don't ask where they live. Don't say "come and get" when giving something to others. Give your things to others and don't ask them what they want. The original text of the original text on the etiquette of a gentleman's self-purification is to give way to others through extensive knowledge and strong knowledge, and to do good deeds without slacking off. This is called a gentleman. A gentleman cannot satisfy people's favor and cannot exhaust their loyalty, so he can make friends with others. Translation: A person who is well-informed, has a strong memory and is humble, and who sincerely does good deeds without slacking off can be called a gentleman. A gentleman does not require others to like him wholeheartedly, nor does he require others to be loyal to him. In this way, friendship can be maintained perfectly. Original text: If jade is not polished, it will not become a useful tool. If people don’t learn, they don’t know. He is the ancient king who established the country and ruled the people, and teaching came first. "Dui Ming" says: "The end of reading is the beginning of learning." This is what it means! Translation: Jade cannot become a utensil without polishing. If people don't learn, they don't understand the truth. Therefore, when ancient kings established a country and governed the people, the establishment of education was their top priority. "Dui Ming" says: "Think about learning from beginning to end." That's what it means. Other original texts When Confucius passed by the side of Mount Tai, there was a woman crying in mourning at the tomb. Listen to it like a master. The emissary Zilu asked, "You are crying. It seems that you are worried." And he said, "Yes. In the past, my uncle (uncle: husband's father) died of a tiger. , my husband died in Yan, and now my son died in Yan." Master said: "Why don't you go?" Master said: "You know what, harsh government is stronger than tigers." Translated by Confucius! Passing by Mount Tai, I saw a woman crying very sadly in front of the tomb. Confucius leaned on the armrest in front of the car and listened to her cry, and asked Zilu to ask her: "Listening to your cry, it seems that you are deeply sad." The woman said, "Yes. My father-in-law was killed by a tiger before, and I My husband was bitten to death by a tiger again, and now my son has also been bitten to death." Confucius said, "Why don't you leave here?" The woman said, "There are no cruel laws here." Confucius said, "Students remember. Remember, cruel government orders are more powerful than tigers.