1. When Guan Zhong was dying, Duke Huan of Qi asked him who could be his successor. Guan Zhong said: "Bao Shuya is a gentleman. However, he cannot be entrusted with the affairs of the country. He is too clear about his likes and dislikes, and he will never forget the evil he sees." "Who can do it?" Qi Huangong asked. "Xi Peng can do it. Xi Peng is a generous man, with a far-sighted vision and an open mind to ask questions. He does not care about government affairs when governing the country."
He also advised Duke Huan of Qi to stay away from Yi Ya, being cunning and prescribing prescriptions. Duke Huan of Qi said: "These people are all loyal ministers. Yi Ya cooked his children for me to eat, Shu Diao castrated himself to serve me, and Kai Fang did not go home to attend the funeral after his parents died." Guan Zhong said: "I love my son and my body. It is human nature to love one's parents, but it is very suspicious to do otherwise." Unfortunately, Xi Peng died too early, and Bao Shuya and others could not prevent Yi Ya and others from causing trouble. In the end, Duke Huan of Qi starved to death, and all the corpse insects crawled out of the house, and they could only be restrained simply with door panels. Su Xun's "Discrimination of Adultery" says: The halo of the moon brings wind, and the moist base brings rain. Those who are inhumane in everything are rarely treacherous. It is indeed a wise saying.
2. Before Liu Bang arrived, Empress Lu asked him: "After your Majesty is a hundred years old, if Xiao He dies, who can take over?" Liu Bang said: "Cao Shen." "What's next." "Wang Lingke, but he prefers to be more honest and upright. Chen Ping can assist him. Chen Ping is smart enough, but he cannot be alone. Zhou Bo is thick and has no literary talent, but the Anliu family must be the best in the world. This person." Cao Shen basically implemented the policy set by Xiao He, using a quiet and inactive method to let the Han Dynasty recuperate, that is, governing a big country like cooking small dishes. If you cook small fish over and over again, the fish will fall apart. It is also similar to Yuan Shao's "many things and few important points". Wang Ling is too principled and easily offends others, while Chen Ping is too flexible and easy to protect himself wisely. Neither of them can hold the position alone, and they can learn from each other's strengths by holding concurrent positions. It was Zhou Bo who finally destroyed the Lu armed group.
Therefore, Liu Bang's ability to recognize people was very powerful, and he could see further than the leaders of the separatist regime at that time. This may be related to the fact that he has been gambling at the bottom for a long time. He has a deep understanding of human nature and is good at gambling.
3. Zhuge Liang recommended Jiang Wan and Fei Yi as his successors before his death, which is also worthy of praise. Jiang Wan was so thick that Zhuge Liang called him a weapon of the country and not a talent of a hundred miles. Jiang Wan can control the situation, and he is open-minded and will not retaliate against others. After Zhuge Liang's death, the whole country of Shu was in panic. Only Jiang Wan took over, showing no joy, no regrets, and a confident look, holding down the position. Fei Yi had a good way of handling official affairs and was good at uniting people. It was a pity that he was assassinated, otherwise the Kingdom of Shu might be able to breathe again.
These famous figures in history all have extraordinary political wisdom, and they can see the subtleties and see things further than ordinary people.