Q: "A saint should be resourceful, so should he emphasize whether or not in advance?"
Mr. Wang said, "What's the pressure? A saint's heart is like a mirror, just a bright mirror, so he should follow his feelings and take care of everything. There is no past shape that still exists, and there is no shape that was taken first. If future generations say that desire is like this, it is based on learning from saints. Duke Zhou's rites and music are written in the world, and all saints can do it. Why didn't Yao Shun do it and stay with Duke Zhou? Confucius deleted the six classics, which is also what saints can do. Why didn't Duke Zhou do it first and wait for Confucius? It is only this time that the sages meet each other. I'm afraid that the mirror is not clear, and I'm not afraid that things can't be seen. Emphasize that events are also based on current events, but scholars must first have a clear time. Scholars just suffer from not knowing this heart, not from inexhaustible things. "
Lv Cheng asked, "Isn't it because the saints have studied it in advance that they can improvise to infinity?"
Mr. Wang said, "How is it possible to study so many things in advance? The heart of a saint is like a bright mirror. Because the mirror is bright, once something appears in front of the mirror, it can be sensed and nothing can be illuminated. There is no such thing as what has passed is still in my heart, and what has not arrived is saved in my heart in advance. However, the general scholars think that there is such a situation, which greatly deviates from the sage's thought. Duke of Zhou amused himself by courtesy and enlightened the world, which any saint can do. Why didn't Yao Shun do this, but he had to wait for the Duke of Zhou to do it? Confucius' deletion of the Six Classics was handed down from generation to generation, which was also possible for saints. Why didn't Duke Zhou do it first and wait for Confucius to do it? This is because saints only deal with certain things at certain times. Therefore, scholars only need to worry about whether the mirror is bright, and do not need to consider whether things can be seen when they appear in front of the mirror. Exploring current events is like looking in the mirror. However, learners should first try to make their hearts look like a mirror. People who are studying only need to worry that their hearts will not light up and that the changes of current events will not be exhausted. "
Mr. Yangming said that "a saint's heart is like a mirror, but he is afraid that the mirror is unknown, and he is not afraid that things cannot be illuminated", which corresponds to an idiom: his heart is like a mirror. This idiom comes from a famous conversation. Shen Xiu and Huineng were two Buddhist Zen masters in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Master Shen Xiu said, "As a bodhi tree, my heart is like a mirror. Always wipe, don't get dust. " Master Huineng said: "Bodhi has no trees, and the mirror is not a stage. Nothing, where is the dust? "
As the Zen master said, Mr. Yangming also hopes that our hearts will be free from distractions, open to people and clean as a mirror, so that we can thoroughly and clearly observe and perceive the people and things in front of us.
But Mr. Yangming's artistic conception is more positive than Zen. Times are changing, and new situations will emerge; If we solve new problems, we can't use the old methods. Just as Yao Shun, Duke Zhou and Confucius are all saints, they are all solving new problems in their respective times. Only by improving one's knowledge level and inner cultivation can one be clear-headed and calmly deal with all kinds of new problems.