1. Be tireless in learning and tireless in teaching
Confucius was famous for his eagerness to learn and showed a strong interest in all kinds of knowledge. Therefore, he was famous for his versatility and profound knowledge at that time. He is almost regarded as an all-knowing sage, but Confucius himself did not think so. Confucius said: "If sage and benevolent, how dare I dare? I will never tire of doing it and never tire of teaching others."
2. Be angry and forgetful. Eat, enjoy and forget your worries
When Confucius was 62 years old, he once described himself like this: "He is a man who is so angry that he forgets to eat, and enjoys to forget his worries. He does not know that old age is coming." At that time, Confucius had already led the leadership. His disciples traveled around the country for nine years and went through many hardships. Not only did they not get appointed by the princes, but they also almost died. However, Confucius did not retreat despite the difficulties. He remained optimistic and persisted in his ideals, even when he knew it was impossible to do.
Extended information:
Confucius’ achievements:
Confucius created a style of private lectures and advocated benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom and trust. He had three thousand disciples, among whom were seventy-two sages. He led some of his disciples to travel around the world for thirteen years, and in his later years he revised the Six Classics of Poems, Book, Rites, Music, Yi, and Spring and Autumn.
After Confucius died, his disciples and his subsequent disciples recorded the words, deeds, quotes and thoughts of Confucius and his disciples, and compiled them into The Analects of Confucius. The book is regarded as a Confucian classic.
Confucius was one of the most erudite scholars in society at that time. He was revered as the "Sage of Heaven" and the "Muduo of Heaven" when he was still alive. He was also revered as the Saint of Confucius and the Holy Saint by the rulers of later generations. , the most holy teacher, the most holy teacher of Dacheng Wenxuan Wang, the teacher of all generations.
His thoughts have a profound impact on China and the world, and he is listed as the first among the "Top Ten Cultural Celebrities in the World". As the influence of Confucius expanded, the "Confucius Ceremony" to worship Confucius once became a "big sacrifice" on the same level as the Chinese ancestor gods.
Baidu Encyclopedia--Confucius