Signs of problematic work attitude:
1. Making excuses for everything. For example, when Chinese people play table tennis, they will say "I haven't played for a long time", implying that there are excuses for winning or losing;
2. Shirking responsibility, as usual, four Chinese people talked loudly in a French restaurant, and finally apologized in Japanese;
3. Never suffer a loss, case, suffering a loss is taking advantage, Airport Take a ride;
4. Never admit your mistakes, everything is the fault of others;
Famous quotes:
1. Employees are not unmotivated but have no clear goals. ;
2. Excellent leadership is not about deciding what to do, but deciding what not to do; in reality, there are too many temptations, and too many temptations often lead to failure;
3 , The most important thing in communicating with others is to understand what is not said;
4. The power of praise is infinite. What Hitler was best at was issuing military medals to his subordinates, he wrote in his memoirs : I really didn’t expect those guys to work hard for those scraps of metal; This shows the power of praise;
5. As a leader, you must always remember that the credit should be given to the subordinates, and the punishment should be reserved for yourself;
6. As a department head, you must give your team confidence. If you are not confident, it means that the department is not confident; remember that you will affect the momentum of the entire department. Imagine if the leader is submissive during a war. , can soldiers be strong?
7. Commitment, you must do what you promise; public commitment is the most effective way to break bad habits;
8. Indulge those who are incompetent Subordinates are self-destruction;
9. Everything is done by example. Subordinates learn from the leader. The style of the company's middle-level cadres is learned from the general manager, and the work style of the company's employees is also learned. Principles are learned from department heads; leaders are often the first to break rules.
10. When competition forms, management will become simpler and execution will become easier;
Several reasons for poor communication:
1. Attention 2. Don’t know the method 3. No platform 4. Can’t use communication tools;
1. Attention should be paid. According to the survey, more than 50 conflicts are caused by poor communication;
2. Method: Pay attention to the context and context, and be relaxed. When starting communication, start with chatting about life and jokes, and avoid talking directly about work; explain patiently and make sure the other party understands your intentions; check at the end ;
Use hamburger to try the communication method, first affirm, then deny, then explain in affirmative; Pay attention to tone, expression, and body language to make the other party feel that you value him; Pay attention to controlling emotions;
3. Construction of communication platform: meetings, hotlines, entertainment;
a. Meetings: supervisor meetings, department meetings, team morale exhibitions, rectification meetings, skin-fighting meetings; pay attention to the method and content of meetings, b. Entertainment: Regularly organize entertainment for everyone to make everyone feel as a whole;
Symptoms of low team morale: lack of energy, frequent job-hopping, and conflicts between top and bottom;
1. Always motivate your team, case, a singer asked a deaf old man to encourage;
Specific: Find out the most praiseworthy things in the week;
2. Treat the team like a family, let them feel that you care about them, remember their birthdays, care about their health, and remember to bring them gifts when traveling; 3. Deliberately be happy, and remember that even if you are in a bad mood, Fortunately, you should also pretend to be happy in front of your subordinates, because your subordinates care about your expression; 4. Introduce competition. When competition is formed, management will become simpler;
5. Personal charm of the supervisor
How to form personal charm?
1. Character, ability, character, taste, and image. The above people are not born with the same qualities. They need to be cultivated slowly. The same applies to finding a lover.
I hope that the character, ability, character, taste, and image will be good, but it is impossible, so you need to train him (her).
2. Principles, do not break your promises and lead by example;
Good corporate culture:
Corporate culture is often established and destroyed by the top leader;
If you don’t have a good corporate culture, you’re probably off to the wrong start; stories about God, godfathers, nuns, golfing and swearing; Habit, when you repeat an action 1,000 times, it becomes a habit;
There is no rigidity in execution;
Some good culture points:
Absolute obedience culture; The consciousness formation of subordinates’ unconditional obedience to superiors;
Punishment culture; Except for mistakes, not only Employees must be punished, and more seriously, supervisors must be punished;
Culture of gratitude; Employees must be grateful, thank their parents, their lovers, their motherland, their colleagues, their leaders, and their subordinates;