Growing up with students, in the words of Confucius.
Confucius said, "a gentleman likes virtue, a villain likes earth", and "a scholar who lives in a house is not a scholar." It means that a gentleman should not miss his homeland, but increase his knowledge and realize his lofty ideals and ambitions by studying abroad. It can be seen that Confucius "revisited his hometown" opposed the psychology and behavior of "cherishing his home" and "cherishing his land", and even regarded the desire to live and work in peace and contentment and the nostalgia for his hometown as the dividing line between a gentleman and a villain. However, Confucius also said: "If parents are around, it is necessary to travel well if you don't travel far", which clearly expressed his idea of advocating close travel. "Parents are here and don't travel far" is also the embodiment of Confucianism advocating filial piety, serving parents and paying attention to human relations.