When Yan Zi arrived, the King of Chu gave Yan Zi wine, which made him drunk. Two officials tied one person to the king. The king said: "Who is the one who tied him?" He said to him: "Qi people. Ye, sitting on the robber." The king looked at Yanzi and said: "Are the people of Qi really good at stealing?" Yanzi avoided the table and said to him: "I heard that oranges grown in Huainan are called tangerines, and those grown in the north of Huaibei are called tangerines. The leaves are similar. In fact, The taste is different. Why is it so? The water and soil are different. Nowadays, when people grow up in Qi, they don’t steal, but when they go to Chu, they steal. Is it because there is no water and soil in Chu that the people are good at stealing?" The king laughed and said, "The sage did not give Xi the right, but the mediocre people took it instead. I'm sick."
The general idea: When Yanzi came (to the State of Chu), the King of Chu rewarded Yanzi with a drink. When he was drinking happily, two petty officials tied up a man and walked to the King of Chu. Chu The king asked: "What does the tied man do?" (Two petty officials) replied: "(He) is from the state of Qi and has committed the crime of stealing." The king of Chu looked at Yanzi and asked: "People from the state of Qi are originally from the state of Qi. Are you good at stealing things?" Yanzi left his seat and replied: "I heard this: oranges grow to the south of the Huaihe River and become tangerines. The taste of the fruit is completely different. What is the reason for this? The water and soil conditions are different. Nowadays, people do not steal things when they live in Qi State, but steal things when they enter Chu State. Could it be that the water and soil of Chu State make people good at stealing? ?” King Chu smiled bitterly and said, “A saint cannot joke with him, but I have humiliated myself.”[