Whoever cannot rest cannot work.
Descartes (France)
Celebrity Descartes (France)
Quotes: When feelings only persuade us to do things that can be slowed down, we should restrain ourselves. Don't make any immediate judgments, steady yourself with other thoughts until time and rest have completely settled the emotions in your blood.
Celebrity Scott
Quotes If you rest too long, you will get moldy.
A person who lives a good life should divide his time into three parts: work, enjoyment, rest or recreation.
German Proverbs
Celebrities German Proverbs
Famous Quotes Take a break and your brain will get rusty.
Celebrity Cicero
Quotes: The world is a book. We do not get enough from travel, but get rest for the soul.
Conan Doyle
Celebrity Conan Doyle
One of the greatest politicians once said: "Changing the content of the work is the most important thing." Good rest.