1. Tesla said: "From feasible theories to actual data, there is nothing that cannot be tested in advance in the mind (this efficiency is equivalent to billions of super-high speeds per second). Computers. ). The process of putting an initial idea into practice is a complete waste of energy, money and time."
2. Space can be split. What will that gain? I remember I also thought about it, tear open the space and see what will happen outside? One layer, several layers, or what?
3. Human beings are matter driven by a force. Therefore, the general laws governing motion in the field of mechanics also apply to humans.
4. What we need now is closer contact and better understanding between individuals and communities all over the planet, and egoism and arrogance always tend to plunge the world into primitive barbarism and the elimination of conflict...peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal revelation...
5. The present is theirs, and the future, to which I am devoted, is mine.
6. When a natural hobby develops into a strong desire, a person will stride towards his goal at an alarming speed.
7. My research project is too far ahead of the times
8. I can split the world, but I will never do so. My main The goal is to disseminate new ideas and make them a reality, and I very much hope that they will serve as a starting point for future researchers.