2. Confucius said, "Learning without thinking is useless, and thinking without learning is dangerous." ? ("The Analects? Politics ")?
3. Zi Gong asked, "Why did Confucius call it Wen?" Confucius said, "I am sensitive and eager to learn, and I am not ashamed to ask questions. It is also a saying. " ?
("The Analects? Gong Yechang ")?
4. Confucius said: "If it is a mountain, it can't be done, I will stop! For example, on the flat ground, although covered, I will go! " ?
("The Analects? Zi Han ")
5. Mencius said: "Doing nothing or being a fool of Wang. Although there are good living things in the world, they will be cold for ten days if exposed for one day, and no one can live. I think it's rare. All the ones that have cooled down are here. If I am cute, I will be happy. The number of games in today's game is decimal, so you can't do it without concentration. Qiu Yi, who is good at playing chess, asked Qiu Yi to teach two people. One of them concentrated on playing chess, but only listened. Although a person listens, he thinks that the swan is coming and wants to pay for the bow and shoot it to death. Although he learned from it, it was impossible. Why is it wise? Say: unnatural. " (Mencius. Gao Zishu ")
6. Mencius said: "It is better to believe in books than to have no books. In Wucheng, I only adopted two or three strategies. Benevolence is invincible, even if benevolence is cut to the point of inhumanity, how can there be blood? " (Mencius. Dedicated ")
Confucius said, "I started studying at the age of fifteen, and I can stand on my own feet at the age of thirty. Forty years old, I am not confused about something. At the age of fifty, I understood what fate was. At the age of sixty, I can listen to different opinions. At the age of seventy, I can do whatever I want without crossing the line. " ?
Confucius said: "if you learn without thinking, people will be blinded by the appearance of knowledge;" Ignorant thinking will be more dangerous because of doubt. " ?
Zi Gong asked, "Why can Zi be called Wen?" Confucius replied: "Confucius is smart and diligent, and he is not ashamed to learn from people with lower status and less knowledge than himself, so he can use the word' Wen' as posthumous title!" ?
Confucius said, "For example, if you build a mountain out of a mound, you only need a basket of earth to complete it, and then I will stop." For example, building a mountain on the flat ground, although only one basket has fallen, then I will move on, that's what I want to move on. " ?
Mencius said, "The indiscretion of a king is incomprehensible. Even if there is a kind of plant that grows most easily in the world, if it is dried in the sun for one day and frozen for ten days, nothing can grow. I seldom see your majesty. As soon as I left the king, those who' frozen' his evil spirits went, and even if he had the slightest bud of kindness, they killed him. what can I do? For example, playing chess as a skill is only a small skill; ? But if you don't concentrate on your studies, you won't learn. Benqiu is a famous chess expert in China. He asked Benqiu to teach two people chess at the same time. One of them was absorbed and only listened to Qiu Yi. Although the other one was listening, he always felt that a swan was coming, thinking about how to shoot it with a bow and arrow. Although this person studies with dedicated people, he can't compare with that person. Is it because he is not as clever as that man? The answer is clear: of course not. " ?
Mencius said:' It is better to believe everything without books. I wrote an article about Shangshu, but I only took two or three bamboo slips. Benevolent people are invincible in the world. Zhou Wuwang, a man of adult nature, how can he punish Shang Zhouwang, a man of great inhumanity, who has a river of blood and even the pestle of war is floating in a pool of blood?