1. In stock operations, avoiding and preventing risks is the first priority, and it is also the prerequisite and guarantee for long-term success.
2. In stock operations, following the trend of stock prices is the second priority, and it is also the only way to survive in the market.
3. In stock operations, the key to success is to passively track the stock price movement and not to think that you are smarter than the market. After confirming the buying and selling timing, take decisive action and enter and exit according to the signals of your own trading system. However, your own trading system must meet the three requirements of science, quantity, and objectivity. Science means that the probability of winning in each transaction is greater than 85, objective means that it is not based on human will, and quantitative means that it can be based on at least one mathematical model. to describe.
4. In stock operations, the stocks you buy must be strong stocks, focusing on momentum rather than price. Stocks with high stock prices and low indicators are much safer than stocks with low stock prices and high indicators. The trend is our eternal friend and basis.
5. In stock operations, there are only short-term operations and mid-term operations, and there is no long-term operation. Before buying a stock, whether it is a short-term operation or a mid-term operation cannot be determined in advance.
6. A company and a company's stock are two completely different things. Companies can be good or bad, while stocks can only rise or fall. In stock operations, what is bought and sold is the rise and fall of the stock rather than the quality of the company.
7. The stock market movement is always in uncertainty. In other words, the only constant thing in the stock market is that it is always changing. The longer the time, the greater the uncertainty. The nature of stock price movement is highly random, and its direction is only possible but not absolute. In stock operations, the reliability of any analysis and prediction of stock prices is questionable. Before the stock price trend turns, it is unwise and risky to subjectively judge the top and bottom.
8. In stock investment, the real investment factors include money, time, mentality and experience. The understanding of stock movement patterns, investment philosophy and operating strategies are far from being as simple as money. If you have already lost money, don’t lose money anymore. Everyone will make mistakes, but this is never a reason for you to make mistakes again. The same mistake is never allowed to be made a second time. Make progress by 1 every day, which is success. The biggest secret.
9. In stock operations, you must be an emotionless robot and execute your own trading system unconditionally.
10. No excess is allowed in any transaction, and never invest in lightly traded varieties. Don't increase your bets like a gambler when you lose money in trading.
11. In stock operations, we must ask ourselves to be invincible, and the true meaning of invincibility is to win without fighting. The quality of operations is far more important than the quantity of operations.
12. We cannot control the market and others, but we must be able to absolutely control ourselves.
13. We do not require that we read it right every time, but we must ask ourselves to do it right every time. It is much more important to make a comparison and see how important it is. No matter how exaggerated it is, it is appropriate to describe this importance.
14. "All the sages in ancient times were lonely." The greatest and wisest people are lonely. It is the common practice of the public not to be lonely.
15. Big thinking determines great realm, and great realm determines great success.
16. Stock trading is to speculate on the heart, and holding on to the stock market is to cheat the heart. The human soul and will are greater than everything else. In stock operations, there is nothing you can't do even if you try hard. Victory or defeat is only temporary, but will can determine your life.
17. Short-term or mid-term operations are only a way to make profits, and are by no means the purpose of investment. The real purpose of short-term operations is not to participate in adjustments where there are too many uncertain factors in the stock price trend.
18. Hesitation and slowness in trading are signs of investors’ low mental maturity and weak mental willpower. They are also the biggest obstacle to investors’ advancement to specialization and professionalism.