Therefore, the people in the territory do not take the government boundary, the country does not take the risk of mountains and rivers, and the world does not take advantage of war. Those who gain the Tao help more, while those who lose the Tao help less. Relatives will be there when there is no help. Help more, and the world will be at peace. Take advantage of the world and attack your relatives. A gentleman wins without fighting.
The weather and season conducive to combat are not as good as the geographical situation conducive to combat; The geographical situation conducive to combat is not as good as the will of the people and internal unity in combat. (For example, in a small town in Lisan, Fiona Fang, there is only an outer city in Qili, Fiona Fang, surrounded by all sides to attack, but it can't win. Surrounding the city on all sides, we must get weather and seasons conducive to combat, but we can't win, because the weather and seasons conducive to combat are not as good as the geographical situation conducive to combat. The city wall is not high, the moat is not deep, the weapons and equipment are not bad, and the food supply is not insufficient. But the defenders still abandoned the city and fled, because the geographical situation (no matter how good) is not as good as the people's hearts and internal unity.
Therefore, to make the people live and stay, we can't rely on the demarcated frontier, consolidate national defense, shock the world, and rely on the strength of force. A monarch who can "be benevolent" will have more people to help him, while a monarch who does not practice "benevolent" will have fewer people to help him. There are very few people who support and help him, and even relatives inside and outside will betray him; With so many people supporting and helping him, everyone in the world will submit to him. On condition that all the people in the world submit to him, they will attack their relatives against the betrayed king. Therefore, a gentleman can defeat the enemy without fighting.
Note (1) [Time] includes conditions beyond the reach of human beings such as season, climate and even political situation. (2) [Geographical location] refers to a geographical location that is conducive to combat. (3) 【 harmony between people 】 refers to the unity among the people in the battle. (4) [Three Mile City] The inner city of Fiona Fang Li San. City: inner city. [The city is not high] The wall is not high. (5)[ Guo] Outer city. A wall built outside the city. (6) [ring] circumference. (7) The emergence of this city (8) Joint table transfer. (9) The first few words of the [husband] sentence are not translated. (10)[ and] conjunctions are progressive. (1 1) [Yes] this. (12) [also] indicates the tone of judgment, "yes". (13)No. [None] (14) [Pool] moat. (15) [Ge Bing] refers to weapons and equipment. Soldiers, weapons; Leather, armor, protective armor and so on. (16) [Jianli] Excellent. Strong, strong. Li Rui (17) [millet] grain. (18) [More] Sufficient. (19) [commission] gave up. (20) The conjunction [and] indicates inheritance. (2 1) [Go] Leave. (22)[ Zhi] pronoun, instead of "city". (23)[ Therefore] so. (24) [domain] is a verb here, which means to limit. (25) Virtue. (26) 【 government boundary 】 the boundary of the frontier. Seal, delimit. Frontier. Boundaries, boundaries. (27) [solid] solid. (28) national defense. (29) Mountains and rivers. (30)[ Risk] is very important. (3 1) [Wei] deter and establish prestige. (32) [Enlightened] monarch who practices "benevolent government". The monarch's people. Tao, justice. The same below. (33) 【 deviant 】 is a monarch who does not practice "benevolent government". (34) Very few. (35) to the extreme. (36)[ Bank] is "rebellious" and betrayed. (37) submission, obedience (38)[ dependence] (39) Cancel the sentence independence between subject and predicate. (40)[ Therefore] so. (4 1) [Yes] Either, or. (42) 【 consolidate the country without mountains and rivers risks 】 consolidate national defense can't rely on mountains and rivers risks. (43) 【 Wei doesn't use RMA 】 To shock the world, we can't rely on the power of force. (44) [Relatives] Internal and external relatives, including paternal relatives and maternal relatives.
In classical Chinese, the phenomenon that more words help less is the common word (1) pan, which means "rebellion" and betrayal.
Different meanings in ancient and modern times (1) Ancient meaning of city: modern meaning of inner city: city (2) ancient meaning of pond: moat (3) ancient meaning of power of attorney: abandoning modern meaning: grievance and unwillingness (4) ancient meaning of country: modern meaning of national defense: country (5) ancient meaning of relatives: refers to relatives inside and outside, including paternal relatives and matrilineal relatives. Modern significance: Family or other members and relatives who are married or related by blood with their own family, excluding parents and brothers. (6) Go to the ancient meaning: leave the present meaning: go, go (7) Domain ancient meaning: used as a verb restriction here. Modern meaning: region (8) is ancient meaning: this modern meaning: judgment verb (9) ancient meaning: weapon modern meaning: soldier (10) However, ancient meaning: this is modern meaning: a conjunction indicating a turning point.
Polysemy (1) is not as favorable as geographical location: favorable conditions: weak military power: sharp (2) Sanli city: yes, auxiliary words help the world: pronouns point to the road. City (3) is not as good as geographical location, and geographical location is not as good as human harmony: climate, seasonality, I will one day climb the long wind and break the waves, and set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea: opportunity, opportunity, avoiding the chaos of Qin; A generation, relatively speaking, compared with Guan Zhong and Le Yi, people can't promise that the four seasons were different and full of joy: in the first season, women clapped their hands. He and Jingming: Why (5) go to the left: left, escape, escape to death, kill three insects: except, except the trip: far away, open bamboo: go to other places, I will go to people when I start from Sun: far away (6) seize the ring and attack it: win Baling: beautiful, beautiful. The riverside is as green as blue: better than (7) consolidating the country without taking the risk of mountain streams: consolidating one's own heart: stubborn, stubborn, strange: it turns out that Mr. Yuan is poor: he is safe and persistent (8) even if he dies today, even if he dies, he has made a big plan: if he escapes, he will be invincible to foreign patients and the country will perish forever.
(10) and the ring is invincible, the conjunctive table turns away, the conjunctive table follows the ring invincible, and the conjunctive table is modified.
Flexible use of parts of speech (1) People in China do not take government boundaries (nouns are used as verbs); (2) Consolidate the country without taking the risk of mountains and rivers (adjectives are used as verbs to consolidate); (3) Conquer the world without taking advantage of military reform (adjectives are used as verbs to deter).
A special sentence is that the weather is not as good as the geographical position (this is because the weather is not as good as the geographical position), and the geographical position is not as good as human harmony (this is because the geographical position is not as good as human harmony and internal unity).
An analysis of the problem of getting more Tao but not Tao. 1. Is the central argument of the article "Getting more help from the Tao, but not from the Tao" that "the weather is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as people's harmony" or "Those who get more help from the Tao, but those who lose it are not allowed"?
"The weather is not as good as the geographical position, and the geographical position is not as good as the harmony between people" is the central argument, and "those who gain the Tao will help more, and those who lose it will help less" is the conclusion.
This paper expounds the decisive role of "human harmony" in the victory of the war from the perspective of the factors that determine the victory or defeat of the war, by comparing the three conditions of "time", "location" and "human harmony". By extension, this paper puts forward the conclusion that "those who gain the Tao help more, and those who lose it help less", and expounds the necessity of implementing "benevolent government" This paper adopts the method of layer-by-layer reasoning to demonstrate. At the beginning, I put forward the argument that "the weather is not as good as the geographical position, and the geographical position is not as good as the harmony between people", and then demonstrated it with examples, and then elaborated and extended it accordingly, and finally reached a conclusion, which is very logical. Therefore, it is not the central argument that "those who gain the Tao help more and those who lose it help less". The central argument is that "the weather is not as good as the geographical position, and the geographical position is not as good as human harmony".
Second, what are the characteristics of this essay in argumentation methods?
Mainly reflected in three aspects:
(1) layer by layer demonstration, layer by layer deepening. Paragraph 1 of the article directly puts forward the central argument, and then proves with war examples that "the weather is not as good as the geographical position" and "the geographical position is not as good as human harmony", which highlights the importance of "human harmony". Paragraph 4 further states that in order to achieve "harmony among people", Tao must be realized first. The full text closely revolves around the center of "human harmony", interlocking and reasoning at different levels, showing extremely strict argumentation art and strong logic.
(2) The application of parallelism and contrast in the argument makes the article magnificent, beautiful in writing and rigorous in structure.
(3) The first half of the article is illustrated by examples, and the second half highlights the argument by means of comparative explanation.
The central argument of the central argument is: the weather is not as good as the geographical position, and the geographical position is not as good as people.
At the beginning of this chapter, the central argument is put forward and proved by a very general war example. Then, it is proved theoretically, and the conclusion that "those who gain the Tao will help more, while those who lose the Tao will help less" is drawn, and the essence of "human harmony" is clarified. At the end of the article, the "gentleman" who won "human harmony" and "victory in the war" is the conclusion, highlighting "human harmony" is the most important condition to determine the outcome of the war.
Writing characteristics (1) Articles are good at using metaphors. From the end of the article, although Mencius opposed war, he also mentioned it many times. This is to cater to the psychology of the rulers, such as having the opportunity to publicize their own "benevolent politics" proposition to the rulers.
(2) The article is exquisite in analysis, grand in exposition, bold in momentum, profound in extension and strong in logic; The rhetorical method of parallelism is also adopted to make the article more convincing.
A brief analysis of the central argument is the first two sentences. Mencius put forward three concepts, namely, weather, geographical location, and human harmony, and compared these three concepts to promote them layer by layer. It emphasizes the importance of "human harmony" and also embodies Mencius' "benevolent politics". In essence, the comparison of the three focuses on the comparison of the former and the latter, emphasizing that various objective and multifaceted factors are not as good as people's subjective conditions and the "harmony between people" in the war, and it is people rather than things that determine the outcome of the war. The comparative argument is extremely impressive. The sentence pattern is the same, the tone is very positive, no doubt.
The second and third paragraphs focus on the central argument and further demonstrate it with two arguments, using negative parallelism. In the second paragraph, examples of attack and war are selected to illustrate that "the weather is not as good as the geographical position". A small town is surrounded on all sides and can't be broken. Even people with "good weather" can't win, which shows that "good location" is more important than good weather. In the third paragraph, an example of a tough battle is selected to illustrate that even if the city is favorable-"the city is not high, the pond is not deep, the army is not determined to make profits, and the rice is not enough", some people abandon the city and flee, because "favorable" is difficult to compare with "harmony with people". These two examples are not actual examples of war, but general, that is, except for special circumstances. Therefore, the debate has universal significance and certain persuasiveness.
The above syllogism proves the view that "the weather is not as good as the geographical position, and the geographical position is not as good as human harmony". The function of the fourth paragraph is to further elaborate on the basis of the previous syllogism and push the scope of argument from war to governing the country, thus fully embodying Mencius' political views and making the article more universal. Secondly, "winning the Tao" can actually be understood as "winning people's hearts", that is, "harmony between people". (To realize the Tao is to implement benevolent government) Those who win the hearts of the people are obedient and invincible, those who lose the hearts of the people are rebellious, and those who don't attack will collapse. Therefore, paragraph 4 is by no means redundant.
At the beginning of this paper, I put forward the view that "the weather is not as good as the geographical position, and the geographical position is not as good as harmony with people", and pointed out that "harmony with people" is the primary condition for defeating the enemy. "Harmony between people" means "helping more" and "obeying the world", that is, the support and support of the people, which embodies Mencius' political thought of "valuing the people but neglecting the monarch". Song Zhuxi's evaluation of this chapter is: "Yin Shi said: He who speaks the world wins the hearts of the people." Jiao Xun's annotation in Qing Dynasty is: "Man is more important than heaven and earth, so Qiu Min is the son of heaven. It can be seen that this chapter is not about war, but about people's hearts, and it is about the importance of implementing "king" (that is, "benevolent government") through war. Therefore, the article first compares the harmony between weather and geographical location, geographical location and people step by step, and points out that these three factors play different roles in the war; Finally, the conclusion that "those who gain the Tao will help more, and those who lose the Tao will help less" is deduced from human harmony to complete the argument of this paper.
At the beginning of this chapter, the central argument is put forward and proved by a very general war example. Then, it is proved theoretically, and the conclusion that "those who gain the Tao will help more, while those who lose the Tao will help less" is drawn, and the essence of "human harmony" is clarified. At the end of the article, it concludes with "gentleman" who wins "human harmony" and "victory in war", and emphasizes that "human harmony" is the most important condition to determine the outcome of war.
The sentences in this article are neat, fluent, coherent and convincing. For example, when the author demonstrates that geographical position is not as good as human harmony, he first uses four parallel double negatives to fully develop the favorable conditions of "geographical position" possessed by the defender, and then makes a sharp turn to tell the result of failure, which makes the conclusion that "geographical position is not as good as human harmony" very convincing. For example, when expounding his theory of "those who get the word help more", the author also used three negative parallelism sentences to draw a conclusion naturally; Then, through the comparison between "more help" and "less help", it is natural to deduce that "a gentleman can defeat the enemy without fighting."
If you get this word, you will get more help, but if you lose it, you will get less help.
2. Home and everything.
3. Brothers unite in gold, and sisters-in-law unite in family ties.
4, everyone collects firewood with high flame.
5. Unity is strength.
6, people are United, Taishan is the top.
7. A pair of chopsticks are gently broken and a pair of chopsticks are held together.
We usually use the phrase "get more help from the Tao, get less help from the Tao" to explain that people who are in line with justice can get support and help from many sides, while those who violate justice will fall into isolation. Here, we understand "Tao" as "righteousness". So, what is justice? According to Modern Chinese Dictionary, "righteousness" means "being fair and beneficial to the people". This is a modern understanding, but it comes down in one continuous line with its original meaning.
"Tao helps more and Tao helps less" is a famous conclusion of Mencius. Mencius Gong Sunchou said: "Those who gain the Tao will help more, while those who lose the Tao will help less. When there is little help, relatives will be there; Help more, and the world will be at peace. Take advantage of the world and attack your relatives. A gentleman wins without fighting. The word "pan" here means "rebellion", which means betrayal and opposition. This passage means that there are many people who help the right people; For those who have lost their way, fewer people help him. When there are few people to help, even relatives will oppose him; When so many people help, the whole world will obey him. Take the obedience of the whole world to attack those who even oppose their relatives, or win the first world war without fighting.
Mencius' "sage" and "deviant" people here are not ordinary individuals, but the king of a country. The king of a country is both the commander-in-chief of the war and the political leader. Mencius discussed the victory and defeat of the war, which led to the view that "more help less, more help less". But in Mencius' view, "people's hearts will turn against each other" is of fundamental significance to war and equally important to politics. Mencius said, "He who gets the people gets the world." There is a way to win the people: win their hearts and win the people. It means to win the hearts of the people in the world first, and win the hearts of the people first. The so-called "winning the hearts of the people" means winning the support, support and help of the people. The so-called "winning the world" means "ruling the world" through benevolent government, rather than striving for the world by force alone. Benevolence is to convince people with virtue, make them convinced and join in automatically; Persuading people with strength can't convince people. In Mencius' view, the way to win the world is to implement benevolent government. Because benevolent governance is a policy of "winning the heart".
So, how to "win its heart", that is, how to conduct benevolent government? Mencius put forward the idea of "protecting the people". Protecting people means caring for and protecting people. It requires the monarch to "gather what he wants with them and not do what he hates", that is, to accumulate what the people want for them and not to impose what the people hate on them. What do people want? A rich and happy life, of course. Mencius believes that this is the fundamental focus of benevolent governance. Having done this, no force can stop the submission of the people's hearts and the whole world.
The main reasons for "winning" are: "the weather is not as good as the geographical position, and the geographical position is not as good as people's harmony" and "helping the world as much as possible."
Poetry works: Tao helps more, but Tao helps less. Poetry Author: Mencius and his disciples pre-Qin poetry classification: classical Chinese, junior high school argumentative, philosophy