Confucius said, "Even if you don't give orders, people will do it, but if you don't give orders, people won't obey."
2 "A gentleman talks but doesn't do it.
Be careful what you say, and disaster comes from your mouth. If they don't speak carefully, they will hurt themselves and others, causing trouble and even disaster. And do things with ability and diligence. In a word, warning people to talk less and do more is the principle that most people in today's society should follow.
3 "The Analects of Confucius Learn" Chapter 7: Xia Zi said: "Xian Se; Parents can do their best; As a gentleman, you can pass through him; Make friends and keep your word. Although I haven't studied, I will call it learning.
"The Analects of Confucius Luz": "My words must be kept, and my actions must bear fruit. I am a villain."
What you say must be credible. If you say it, you must do it. This is a shallow and stubborn villain.