Whenever a great doctor treats a disease, he must calm his mind and calm his mind, have no desires or demands, and first have a heart of great compassion and compassion, vowing to save all the suffering souls. If anyone comes to seek help in case of illness, he must not ask whether he is noble or inferior. The rich and the poor, the young and the old, the rich and the poor, the resentful and friendly, the Chinese and the barbarian, the ignorant and the wise, all the same, they are all like the thoughts of a close relative. You must not look forward or backward, worry about good or bad luck, or protect your life. Seeing others suffering, as if you were suffering from it yourself, you will be deeply saddened, do not avoid danger, suffer from cold and heat day and night, hunger, thirst and fatigue, go to rescue wholeheartedly, and have no intention of making any sign of effort. If you do this, you can be a great doctor for the common people, but if you don't, you can be a great thief with a spiritual spirit.
1. "If we are peaceful, if we are happy, we can smile and blossom like a flower, and everyone in our fa