1, ancient people, those who know, yin and yang are in harmony, and several strokes are in harmony. They live a regular life without sloppy work, so they can be physically and mentally integrated, and they will come to the end of their lives and spend a hundred years. Today's people, on the other hand, take wine as their pulp, act recklessly, get drunk at home, exhaust their essence, dissipate their truth, don't know how to hold their full, always keep their gods, speed up their hearts, go against the joy of life, and be unrestrained, so they will fail at half a hundred.
2, lust can work hard, lust can not confuse its heart.
3, leisure and less desire, peace of mind and not afraid, tired and tireless, obedient, each from its own desires, each in its place.
4. the spirit of heaven, quiet is the heart, smooth is the yang is the firm. Although there are thieves and evil spirits, the Buddha can do harm, which is due to the chronological order. Therefore, saints spread the spirit, serve the weather and communicate with the gods. If it is lost, the nine orifices are closed inside, the tendons are blocked outside, and the qi is scattered outside. This is called self-injury, and the true qi will be cut off.
5, Yin and Yang, the number can be ten, the push can be a hundred, the number can be a thousand, the push can be ten thousand, ten thousand is too big to count, but one is needed.