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Political quotes from The Analects of Confucius.

Confucius said: "A country with a thousand chariots should respect things and be trustworthy, be frugal and love others, so that the people can take advantage of them."

Confucius said: "Government should be based on virtue, for example. Beichen, where it is located, is surrounded by stars." The Master Zhang Xuedianlu said: "If you hear many doubts about Que, be careful about what else you say, then you will be a rare person; if you see many doubts, be careful about what else you do,

Then there will be few regrets. If you speak few words and deeds few regrets, you will be rewarded."

Duke Ai asked: "What should be done to make the people obey?" Confucius said to him: "If you raise the straight and wrong, then you will be wrong. The people obey; if they are wrong and wrong

If they are straight, then the people will not obey."

Ji Kangzi asked: "How to make the people respectful and loyal to persuade them?" Confucius said: "Lin To be virtuous is to be respectful; to be filial and kind is to be loyal; to do good deeds and to teach them cannot be done is to encourage them." Zigong said: "What if you can help others by giving generously to the people? Can you call it benevolence?" Confucius said: "What is the matter of benevolence?

It must be sage! Yao and Shun were as ill as others! A benevolent man, if he wants to establish himself, he will establish others; if he wants to reach himself, he will reach others. He can draw examples from others,< /p>

It can be said that the prescription of benevolence is complete." Confucius said: "Being courteous but rude will lead to fatigue, being cautious but rude but being rude, being brave but rude will lead to chaos, being straight and rude will lead to strangulation. Jun

If the Confucius is devoted to relatives, the people will prosper with benevolence; if the old is not forgotten, the people will not steal." In fact, there are many famous sayings about politics in the Analects of Confucius. Listed some.