Scholars, who say that the teacher says that the disciple is a cloud, gather together and laugh. When asked, they say, "He is similar to that year, and his way is similar. Being humble is shameful, and being an official is close to being arrogant." Alas! It's obvious that the teacher's way is gone.
. When people like scholar-officials talk about teachers and disciples, they gather together to laugh at him. Ask those scoffers (the reason for laughing at him) and they will say, "That man is similar to someone's age, and his cultivation and studies are similar. (How can you call him a teacher?" It is enough to be ashamed to take a person with a low position as a teacher, and to call a person with a high position as a teacher is flattering. "
Anyway, this passage means that those who admit their previous ideas are wrong (think that learning is shameful) and study are laughed at by other scholars.