Shi Xi and Yu Wang Li Hui are both the masters of Lingxi Pavilion, and they are both the masters who only really appeared in the eighth season. Toki is the God of Time. She can use all kinds of time magic. She can peek into the past and look into the future. The Royal King Li Hui is the dark matter fairy. He can use the power of black holes, which is unpredictable.
It is worth mentioning that these two pavilion masters have one similarity, that is, they can both make certain predictions about the future. Shi Xi uses time magic to directly predict the future, while Royal King Li Hui uses the method of observing the sky and fortune telling, combined with his own divination. It is said that Royal King Li Hui's predictions have never been miscalculated, and Shi Xi's predictions are also very accurate. This time Shi Xi and Royal Prince Li Hui felt the ripples from the future at the same time, and it wouldn't be long before the color of the world changed.
Prophecies and divination all show that there will be a devastating blow in the future, and Prince Jin is the person who will destroy the world. Faced with such a situation, Shi Xi and Royal Prince Li Hui took completely different approaches. Royal King Li Hui’s method is to erase factors, while Shi Xi’s method is to add factors. Let’s talk about the difference between the two!
First of all, let’s talk about Yu Wang Li Hui. The method Yu Wang Li Hui adopts to erase the factors is to directly seal Prince Jin, or simply obliterate Prince Jin. From the attitude of Royal King Li Hui towards Prince Jin, we can feel that he dislikes Prince Jin very much. During the confrontation with Prince Jin, King Li Hui even planned to use a black hole to swallow Prince Jin directly. On the occasion of parting, Royal King Li Hui also put a brand on Prince Jin. To be on the safe side, Royal King Li Hui had considered all the consequences.
Let’s talk about Shi Xi. Shi Xi's attitude towards Prince Jin was obviously much gentler than that of Royal Prince Li Hui, and she even praised Prince Jin for his obvious changes. The method Toki chose was not to erase the element of the Golden Prince, but to add the element of the Fire Lord. In the future that Shi Xi once predicted, she did not release the Fire Lord, but this led to a great threat in the future. Although the Fire Lord is a threatening factor, Shi Xi decided to release him this time. After all, after adding the Fire Lord as a variable, the pattern of the world will also change dramatically. Toki also said that every decision he makes will trigger changes in the future.
Royal King Li Hui used the method of erasing factors (removing the Golden Prince), while Shi Xi used the method of adding factors (adding the Fire Lord). It can be seen that the two methods of dealing with problems are completely different. One is to solve the problem from the "source", and the other is to "create situations" to change the worst situation. Obviously, Yu Wang's approach was a bit extreme, while Toki's approach was a bit more risky. Toki and Yuou have different approaches, but they both have one purpose, which is to prevent the world from being destroyed.