There is a famous sentence from the Analects of Confucius: If you don't change, it means you have gone too far. -The Analects of Confucius Wei Linggong
In addition, there are:
1. Confucius said, "When you are cold, you will know that pines and cypresses will wither." -"The Analects of Confucius Zi Han"
2. If the name is not correct, the words will not be smooth; If the words don't go well, things won't work; If things can't be done, the music will not be happy; If the rites and music are not prosperous, the punishment will be missed; If the penalty is not correct, the people will be at a loss.
3. Look at your father's will. Father didn't, watch his actions. Three years without changing the way of the father can be described as filial piety.
4. If people are unkind, what is the gift! People are heartless, if you are happy!
5. The ancient scholars are themselves, but the present scholars are human beings. (constitutional question)
6, hearsay and hearsay, morality is abandoned.
7. Quality is better than literature, and literature is better than quality. Gentle, and then a gentleman. -"The Analects of Confucius Yong Ye"
8. Confucius said: "If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. "If you live in a country, you will be the sage of your doctor, and you will be the friend of your scholar with lofty ideals." -"Wei Linggong"
9. Be angry and forget to eat, enjoy forgetting your worries, and I don't know that old age is coming. -
1. an upright man is open and poised while a petty man is anxious and worried.. -"Shu Er"
11. I started from others, and I listened to what I said and believed in what I did; Today, I am a man, and I listen to his words and watch his actions. -"Gongye Chang"
12. There are three friends who benefit and three friends who lose. Friends are straightforward, friends forgive, and friends hear more, which is beneficial. Friends make friends, be friendly and soft, and friends will be ruined and damaged. -"Ji's"
13. Governing by doing nothing. -The Analects of Confucius Wei Linggong
14. Let bygones be bygones. -"The Analects of Confucius Eight Essays"
15. How do you know death if you don't know life? -"The Analects of Confucius Advanced"