Nietzsche: Friedrieh Nietzsche (1884-1900), a well-known but little-known figure in China, has his unique life experience and ideological characteristics. He was a university professor, but he denied the work of other professors who were dedicated to education; he was a philosopher, but he opposed with great vigor the philosophies that had appeared before him. He shouted a shocking slogan: Reassess all values! Not only in the East, but also in the history of Western philosophy, Nietzsche has always been a controversial figure. Nietzsche's philosophy is the product of the development of capitalist society to a certain stage. He foreshadowed the profound spiritual crisis in modern Western society in a unique way.
Nietzsche’s thoughts reflected the requirements and aspirations of the monopoly bourgeoisie that was forming at that time. He denounced the liberal bourgeoisie and called them mediocre people who were following the old ways and living an ignoble existence. He believed that the Western civilization, which was in decline due to the influence of rationalism, Christianity and humanism, must be denied. He advocated a subjective fighting spirit and a positive attitude towards life, and emphasized evolution. It is the process in which the will to power realizes itself. The purpose of life is to exert power and expand oneself. Advocate the Superman philosophy and believe that "Superman" is the creator of history and has the right to enslave the masses, while ordinary people are just tools for "Superman" to realize his will to power. He opposed democracy, socialism and the women's liberation movement, and even condemned doctors as a crime to save patients. It is advocated that art is a form of expression of the will to power, and artists are people who highly expand and express themselves.
But Nietzsche did put forward new ideas. When Freud was formulating his psychoanalysis, he was surprised to find that Nietzsche had already stated his basic ideas. Jaspers, Heidegger and all existentialists regard Nietzsche as the person who blazed the trail for them. Many Western authors are also greatly influenced by it. Nietzsche's theory heralded that Western society has entered an era of fundamental changes in values. Therefore, it can be said that without understanding Nietzsche, it is impossible to understand the Western philosophical, literary and social trends of our century.
Born on October 15, 1844 in the town of Lutzen in Sachsen, Prussia. Both his grandfather and father were Lutheran ministers for several generations.
On July 30, 1849, when he was 5 years old, his father died of encephalomalacia.
In 1850, when he was 6 years old, his family moved to Naumburg on the River Sayre.
From October 1858, when he was 14 years old, he studied at Puerta High School in the suburbs of Namburg.
In October 1864, at the age of 20, he entered the University of Bonn to study theology and classical philology.
In October 1865, at the age of 21, he transferred to the University of Leipzig. Read Schopenhauer's "Will and the World of Representation" for the first time.
In 1866, at the age of 22, he began to date Ervin Rohde, a disciple of Li Qi.
In October 1867, at the age of 23, he was recruited into the Namburg Artillery Regiment. He fell from his horse and suffered serious injuries to his sternum.
In April 1868, at the age of 24, he was discharged from the army due to injury. I first met Nian Gena on November 8th.
In February 1869, at the age of 25, he was appointed as an additional professor of classical literature at the University of Basel. In April, he escaped from Prussian citizenship and became a Swiss. On May 17, he visited the Wagner family in Lucerne for the first time, which was close to Tolipsen. On May 28, he delivered an inaugural lecture at the University of Basel, titled "Homer and Classical Literature." Jacob Buckchardt.
In March 1870, at the age of 26, he was promoted to full professor. In August, the Franco-Prussian War broke out and he volunteered to serve as a health soldier. Suffering from dysentery and diphtheria. He was discharged from the army in October and returned to the University of Basel. Began a relationship with theologian Franz Overbeck.
In 1871, at the age of 27, he wrote "The Birth of Tragedy".
In January 1872, at the age of 28, "The Birth of Tragedy" was published. From February to March, he gave a speech at the University of Basel and published "Prospects for German Educational Facilities" (published for the first time as a posthumous work). In April the Wagner family moved from Tollipson. In May, he met Wagner again at the opening ceremony of Beirut Festival Theater.
In 1873, at the age of 29, the first article of "Reflections on the Seasons" was published. Published part of the text of "The Philosophy of the Greeks in the Age of Tragedy" (first published after his death as a posthumous manuscript).
In 1873, at the age of 30, he published the second and third articles of "Reflections on the Seasons". When I first read the novel "The Red and the Black" by French writer Stendahl, I felt like I was getting an electric shock.
In October 1875, 31 years old, I first met musician Peter Gast (Reter Gast, real name Heinrich Koselitz).
In July 1876, at the age of 32, the fourth part of "Reflections on the Seasons" was published. In August, the Beirut Theater performed its first festival drama. In September, he had a relationship with psychologist Paul Lee (Raul Ree), and his condition worsened. Due to illness, I took a leave of absence from the University of Basel course. In the winter, he served in Soterling with Paul Lee and Muizenberg. In October and November, he had his final meeting with Wagner in Soterling.
Wrote the original memo for "Human, All Too Human."
In September 1877, at the age of 33, he returned to Basel and resumed teaching at the university.
In 1877, at the age of 34, the friendship with Wagner ended. On January 3, Wagner presented a book "Parsifal" (Rarsifal). In May, the first article of "Human Nature, Too Human" was published; as of Wagner's last letter, a copy of "Human Nature, Too Human" was attached.
In 1879, at the age of 35, he became seriously ill. Resigned from his chair at the University of Basel. The first half of the second part of "Humanity, All Too Human" is published.
In 1880, at the age of 36, he published "The Drifter and His Shadow", which was later published as the second half of the second part of "Human Nature, All Too Human". In the spring, I first arrived in Geneva. In October, I spent the winter in Geneva.
1881, 37 years old, completed "Dawn" in January, published it in June, spent the summer at Sears Maria in July, and conceived the idea of ??"Eternal Flow" in August. On November 27, I listened to Bizet's "Carmen" for the first time in Geneva.
1881-1882 He wrote "The Science of Joy" and published it in the same year.
1882-1888 An attempt to convert all values ??into values.
In March 1882, at the age of 38, he traveled to Sicily. In April, I started socializing with Luo Luolemei. In May, "The Science of Happiness" (Diefroliche Wissenschaft) was completed and published. After November, spend the winter in Rabero.
Wagner died of illness in February 1883 at the age of 39. Wrote the first part of "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" and published it in June. In July, he wrote the second part of "Thus Spoke Zarathustra". In December, spend the winter in Nice.
In January 1884, at the age of 40, he wrote the third part of "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" in Venice. In August Stein visited Nietzsche. In November, I started writing the fourth volume of "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" (privately published in 1885). I read Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" and was deeply moved.
In 1885, at the age of 41, he wrote "The Transcendence of Good and Evil".
In May-June 1886, 42 years old, he met Erwin Roeder for the last time in Leipzig. In July, "The Transcendence of Good and Evil" was published.
In July 1886, at the age of 43, he completed "The Genealogy of Morality" and in November, it was privately published. November 11, last letter to Erwin Lord.
In January 1888, when he was 44 years old, he became aware of Kierkegaard through the introduction of Danish literary historian Brans. In April, I went to Torio for the first time. Brandes gave the "German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche Lecture" at the University of Copenhagen. From May to 8, he wrote "The Wagner Affair" and published it in September. "Ode to Dionysus" was completed. From August to September, he wrote "Twilight of the Idols" (published in 1889). In September, he finished writing the anti-"Antichrist", and from October to 11th he wrote "Lo! This Man", and in December he wrote "Nietzsche vs. Wagner" and "The Official Documents of a Psychologist", which were collected and published after his death.
In early January 1889, at the age of 45, he suffered the final blow in Turino and suffered a severe stroke. He developed schizophrenia and was sent to the psychiatric department of Jena University Hospital, where his mother came to take care of him.
On Easter, 1897, at the age of 53, his mother died of illness. He moved to Weimar with his sister, who took care of him day and night.
In 1900, at the age of 56, he breathed his last in Weimar on August 25 and was buried in his hometown of Loken on August 28. After his death, Plato, Aristotle, Vibinoza, Kant, Schopenhauer, and Hegel were listed as immortal thinkers in the history of world philosophy.
Nietzsche's Quotes
1 Ever since I got tired of searching, I have learned to find it once I find it; ever since a headwind came, I have been able to resist the wind from all directions and sail on in a boat .
2 I have abandoned many things, so I am regarded as arrogant by you. If you drink from an overflowing wine glass, you will inevitably spill a lot of good wine, so do not doubt the quality of the wine.
3 "He perishes, and he falls." You mock again and again, but know that he falls above you. His extreme joy brings sorrow, but his bright light is closely followed by your darkness.
4 This man is going higher --- he should be praised! That man always descends from on high. He lives and voluntarily gives up praise. He is a man who comes from high!
5 Even the most conscientious people are weak in the face of such emotions: "This or that thing is against social customs." The strongest people are also afraid of the cold eyes and contempt of others. , he is educated among these people, and he is educated for these talents. What is he afraid of? Afraid of isolation! This reason defeats the best reason for being a person and doing things! ---Our collective nature says so
6 We have created a world suitable for living in for ourselves, accepting all kinds of bodies and planes, cause and effect, movement and stillness, form and connotation. Without these trustworthy things, no one can persist in living! However, those things are not proven. Life is not an argument; the conditions of existence may be inherently wrong.
7 Where there is rule, there are masses; where there are masses, there is need for servility; where there is servility, there are few independent individuals; and these rare individuals also have the ability to oppose individuals. of collective intuition and conscience.
8 Be careful! As soon as he thought about it, he immediately prepared a lie.
9 The greatest benefit of a big victory is that it relieves the winner of the fear of failure. "Why can't I fail once?" He said to himself, "I have enough capital now"
10 He is poor now. The reason is not that others have deprived him of everything, but that he Abandoned everything. Why is this so? ---He is accustomed to searching. The so-called poor are those who have a wrong understanding of his willingness to be poor.
11 He is a thinker, which means: he is good at treating things simply--simpler than the things themselves.
12 The most cunning way to destroy something is to deliberately defend it with fallacies.
13 People regard need as the cause of things happening, but in fact, it is often the result of things happening.
14 A wise man asks a fool, what is the way to happiness? The fool didn't hesitate, just like someone asking him about the way to the nearby city, and replied, "Appreciate yourself, and then wander around." The wise man shouted: "Shut up, you ask for too much, self-appreciation is enough." "La!" The fool replied: "How can you continue to appreciate without consistent contempt?"
15 People either never dream, or they have interesting dreams; people must also learn to be awake: or never. Sober, or sober and interesting.
PS: So Nietzsche advocates the Dionysian spirit. The subtext of the Dionysian spirit is: Even if there is a tragedy in life, we must act out the tragedy vividly and vividly, so as not to lose the magnificence and comfort of the tragedy. The subtext of the Apollonian spirit is: Even if life is a dream, we must have this dream meaningfully and not lose the passion and fun of the dream.
16 "Oh, I am so greedy! What lives in this soul is not the spirit of selflessness, but the self that is greedy for everything. It seems that it wants to use many people to help it observe and seize the self, and to save everything. , who doesn’t want to lose everything that belongs to him!”
“Oh, my greedy flame! How I would like to be reborn and become a hundred people!”
Who! Whoever cannot understand the lamenter through his own experience cannot understand the passion of the seeker.
PS: Rimbaud also said: I am willing to be anyone.
17 Where there is a lack of will, there is an urgent need for faith. Will, as the emotion of command, is the most important sign of autonomy and power.
PS: In fact, Nietzsche himself could not resist the emptiness of having no faith, so he later said: "After I threw God out of the window, I tried hard to let him come in through the back door of my life. Atheism It is a kind of bitter wine that requires a strong stomach to hold it. "Of course, it does not mean that we need to return to the embrace of religion. We can believe in ourselves--if we ourselves are qualified to be worshiped by you!
18 You don’t understand what you are going through at all. You are like running around in life in a drunken sweat, falling down, and rolling down the stairs. Fortunately, you were not injured because of your intoxication. Your muscles are weak and your mind is unclear, so you don't think the stones on the steps are so hard as we do!
PS: Schopenhauer once said: The higher the wisdom, the deeper the pain! There is a sense of having the same purpose but different approaches. Holderlin also has a similar poem: The singer's soul must always bear such worries, whether he likes it or not, while others have no worries at all.
19 Advice: Are you aiming for prestige? If so, please remember this credo: give up your reputation voluntarily and in a timely manner!
PS: Telix also said: "The most difficult thing for a smart person to get rid of is the desire for fame and wealth!" Not only is it the most difficult to get rid of, it is simply impossible to get rid of! ! !
20 Voltaire! Humans! idiot! Truth and the pursuit of truth are a bit difficult to deal with. If you make it too human - just pursue the truth for the sake of doing good, I bet you will achieve nothing!
21 If there were not so much shame to overcome on the road to knowledge, knowledge would have little charm.
PS: Knowing shame is almost courageous! The only question is: whether this kind of bravery is worth encouraging
22 People who despise themselves respect themselves as despisers because of it.
23 The need to fill the stomach is the reason why people cannot regard themselves as God so easily.
PS: Kierkegaard also said: Even if you are a perfect person, you still need to eat corn! Therefore, in order to survive, we often have to compromise with the outside world
24 Those who fight monsters must be careful not to become monsters themselves. If you stare into the abyss for a long time, the abyss will stare at you too
----------Part 2-------
1 “ Wherever there is the tree of knowledge, there is paradise” – said the oldest and most modern serpents.
PS: Byron also said: “The tree of knowledge is not the tree of life.
"The deeper the metaphysical personal consciousness, the more painful it will be. The more practical knowledge, the more bounded by rules and regulations. Therefore, Rousseau said in his Ramblings and Reveries: "It was only in my later years that I came up with an inconvenience. Dare to compliment knowledge: 'It is better to be ignorant than to be knowledgeable'. ”
2 The will to overcome one emotion is ultimately just the will of another emotion or several other emotions.
3 All trust, all calm state of mind, all feelings are generated from feelings. Evidence of truth.
PS: Nietzsche is an irrationalist. He pays more attention to the irrational side of people rather than just the rational side, so his philosophy appears flesh-and-blood, unlike Hegel’s coldness. Abstract thinking, which is why I like Nietzsche.
4 Praise has more of an imposition than blame.
PS: We can resist the blame of others. , but no one seems to sincerely refuse others' praise for him.
5 What people ultimately like is their own desires, not what they want!
PS: This sentence. Wise words don’t seem to be very well-known...
6 The vanity of others will only disgust us when it is contrary to our vanity
PS: Vanity is. People's "things in themselves"...
7 People don't believe that smart people can do stupid things: people's rights have been lost to such an extent!
8 More similar, more common people. , always have the advantage, the more outstanding, more elegant, more unique and difficult to understand people are often alone; they often die of accidents in loneliness and rarely reproduce.
9 Who does not want to look at a person's height, but only opens his eyes to look at the obvious low points of this person---who will expose himself thereby.
10 A noble soul. , You respect yourself.
11 Wandering man, who are you? I saw you walking alone, without ridicule or love, with unfathomable eyes, as wet as a thread, looking sad. It's endless. It has just explored every depth and pulled it up from the water. It looks unsatisfied - what is it looking for under the water? Its chest never sighs, its lips cover up the disgust, and one hand is just slowing down. Hold tight: Who are you? What have you done? Take a break here! Refresh yourself! Who are you and what makes you happy right now? Refresh you? Say it, and I'll give it to you if I have it! "Refresh me?" Refresh me? Hey, you are really nosy, you have said enough! But give it to me, please~~~" Give you what? What? Say it quickly! "Another mask! The second mask"
PS: Now I also need a mask...
12 "Looking freely here, the spirit is extremely high". But there is another kind of opposite to this People, this kind of people are also at a certain height, and they also show their own prospects. ---But they look down.
13 What every profound thinker is more afraid of is being caught. Man understands instead of being misunderstood, the latter may hurt his vanity; but the former hurts his heart, his sympathy, and his heart always says: "How come you have suffered the same as me? ”
14 There should be a certain distance between people. This is the necessary living space for everyone’s “self”. A person who lacks “self” often does not know how to respect the “self” of others. "Self" needs living space. Just when you are about to experience and think about your pain alone, your door knocks, and the sympathizers arrive in an endless stream, drowning you and your pain in the noise of sympathy!
15 You respect me, but what will happen if the person you respect falls down one day? Be careful, don’t let a statue pillar crush you to death.
PS. : Man is something that should be transcended...
16 The closer we get to the origin of things, the less interesting they become to us
17 Some people rule. Others rule because they do not want to be ruled - for them, rule is the lesser of two evils
18 I walk in destiny for me. The prescribed road/Although I am not willing to walk on this road/But I have no choice but to walk on this road full of sorrow and indignation/p>
PS: Although Nietzsche advocates "superman" and "will to power" , in fact, he also knew that he was just using the "Spiritual Victory Method". Nietzsche was really contradictory, but it was his contradictions that constituted his richness! In fact, anyone who has a true understanding of life and life, No matter how he treats life, he is a pessimist at heart!
19 Another reason to live alone A: "Now you plan to go back to your desert" B: "I am not one. A quick thinker; I have to wait for myself for a long time - the water always refuses to gush out from the fountain of my self, and I am often so thirsty that I lose my patience. I retreated into solitude so that I would not have to drink from the public sink.
When I live among people, my life is just like theirs, and my thoughts are not like my own thoughts; after living among them for a period of time, I always feel as if everyone is trying to make me To leave myself, to take away my soul---I am angry with all men, and fear them. So I had to walk into the desert to get back to normal. ”
20 The wisdom of turning a deaf ear. ---If our ears are filled with what others are saying about us all day long, and if we even speculate on what others are thinking about us, then even the strongest person will We will not be spared! Because other people can only allow us to live around them if they are stronger than us; if we surpass them, if we even try to surpass them, they will not tolerate us. ! In short, let us live with them in a rare and confused spirit, turning a deaf ear to all their comments, praises, condemnations, hopes and expectations about us, and not even thinking about it
21 Praise. Makes some humble and others rude.
22 Never forget that the higher we fly, the smaller we appear in the eyes of those who cannot fly. < /p>
23 To the lonely. If we cannot respect the honor of others when we are alone as we do in public, then we are not worthy of being honest.
24 Life is. Our Panacea ---If, like the thinker, we are surrounded by a constant stream of thoughts and emotions every day, and are driven by them even in our night dreams, then we will long to engage in life in order to find peace and rest. , while others are just the opposite, hoping to leave life and enter contemplation in order to get some rest.
PS: For a long time, I have been accustomed to being a spectator of life instead of a participant, which has made me lose my passion. , it’s time for me to get involved in life
25 Unfounded grounds. You hate him and put forward a lot of grounds for this hate--but I only believe in your hate, not in it. Your justification! By presenting those instinctive actions as the result of rational thinking in front of yourself and in front of me, you improve your position in your own mind.
26 Become moral. Actions are not moral in themselves. There are various reasons for people to obey morality: servility, vanity, selfishness, dark passion, resignation or desperation. There is nothing moral in itself about obeying morality. /p>
----------Part 3-------
1 God is dead
PS: I saw a church some time ago The advertisement is all black, with only 4 words: Nietzsche is dead...
2 Superman is the ocean, and your great contempt will sink in the sea.
3 Man is one. A rope connects the animal and the superman --- the rope hangs over the abyss
4 Man is great because he is a bridge, not a purpose.
PS: There is no purpose in life, only process. The so-called ultimate purpose is meaningless
5 Everyone has the same needs and everyone is the same. Anyone who feels different will end up in a lunatic asylum.
PS: Whoever has his own personality will understand this sentence
6 My soul is calm and bright, like the mountains in the morning. But they thought I was cold, a mocker who made terrible jokes.
7 Human existence is terrible and always meaningless: a mischievous person can be its doom. I want to teach people the meaning of existence. This meaning is Superman, the lightning in the dark clouds.
8 There is much that weighs heavily on a strong, loaded spirit. There is something awe-inspiring about this spirit: its power demands heavy loads, even the heaviest.
9 A loaded spirit carries all these heaviest things, like a laden camel hurrying towards the wilderness. This is how the spirit hurries into the wilderness. However, a second transformation occurred in the lonely wasteland: the spirit became a lion, and it wanted to win freedom for itself and become the master of its own desert.
10 Stop burying your head in the sands of such things as heaven, and set your head free so that this earthly head can create meaning for the world!
11 I have learned to walk, and from then on I let myself run; I have learned to fly, and from then on I can fly away on the spot without being pushed first. I am at ease now, I am flying now, looking down, now there is a god dancing inside me.
12 The situation of people is the same as that of trees. The more it wants to open up to high places and bright places, the more its roots will go downward, to the soil, to the dark place, to the depths - to evil
13 When I reach the height, I realize I am always alone. No one spoke to me, and the lonely winter made me tremble. What on earth do I want to do in high places?
14 Even if you are gentle and kind to them, they still feel despised by you. They repay your kindness with covert acts of harm. Your silent pride is always at odds with their taste; if you are ever so humble as to be vain, they will be delighted.
15 One day loneliness will tire you, your pride will twist, and your courage will gnash your teeth. One day you will shout: "I am lonely!"
16 The reason why some people live in isolation is to avoid gangsters: he really does not want to drink well water with gangsters, and enjoy fruits and fire with gangsters. Some people go into the desert and suffer thirst with the wild animals, but they just don't want to sit by the water trough with the dirty camel drivers.
17 Who is hated by the people? ---Like a wolf hated by dogs? He is an unrestrained genius, a sworn enemy of shackles, a master who refuses to worship and wanders leisurely in the woods and springs.
18 Deep down in my heart I only love life---and, to be honest, when I hate it, I also love it the most!
19 You want to rise high, so you look up to high places. Since I have risen high, I look down. Who among you can both laugh and be exalted?
20 People who climb the highest mountains make fun of all tragedies and sorrows, with a serious attitude.
21 No one has ears like mine, so what’s the use of my words in a place like this! I'm here too early.
PS: Nietzsche was indeed a pioneer of his time. Although this is crazy, it is true.
22 Oh, loneliness, you are my hometown! I have lived a barbaric life in a barbaric foreign land for too long, so it is impossible for me to return to you without tears!
23 Whoever knows fear and conquers it, whoever sees the abyss and faces it proudly, has determination. He who looks at the abyss with eagle eyes and digs at the cliff with eagle talons has courage.
24 More advanced people, your biggest disadvantage is not learning to dance. People must dance --- dance beyond yourself! What does your failure mean? There are so many things that might work! So you have to learn to laugh at yourself! Lift you up, O excellent dancers, higher, higher! Don’t forget to laugh out loud too!
25 Whoever has too many thoughts would rather make himself stupid.
26 Here, my biggest pain is loneliness... This loneliness is attributed to the individual's inability to reach a common understanding with the world
27 In loneliness, everything can be obtained-- -Besides being sane.
28 The love of wealth and the love of knowledge are the two forces that move the earth. As one force increases, the other force will inevitably decrease.
29 My wisdom is finally deenchanted, I know less than Hamlet, less than Socrates, less than nothing! This is the ultimate truth: there is no truth, only the dying soul hanging painfully on the "cross"...
30 If we always search for the bottom, then we will go to destruction.
31 Fearless thinkers can best experience extremely painful tragedies; they respect life because life is their biggest opponent...
32 Beware of the spirit: the spirit will make us Extreme loneliness, loneliness means no sense of obligation and no restraint; spirituality will corrupt our character...
33 Don’t confuse unbelief, which is completely incapable of belief, with unbelief, which can no longer believe in a certain world view. Beliefs are conflated. The latter situation is generally a precursor to a new belief.
34 What is art? It's prostitution.
35 Self-worship is a means of achieving poetic harmony of character. We should harmonize our character and abilities and preserve and enhance all that we are, through worship.
36 Stoicism has only one sacrament, and that is suicide...
PS: Although Nietzsche later rose up against Schopenhauer, in fact, he was still pessimistic at heart ism, he said: "I was very confident about my future until I remembered Schopenhauer---I broke with him every morning and reconciled with him every evening." He also said: "The only thing worth advocating in the world is complete nihilism in action."
37 Mediocrity is a mask of happiness that a conceited spirit can endure, because it does not allow most people, that is, mediocrity The reader thinks of disguise: he disguises himself precisely for the sake of mediocrity - not to offend them, yea, often out of sympathy and kindness.
38 A natural spiritual aristocrat is not very diligent.
PS: Idleness is the ideal of genius, laziness is the virtue of romantics.
Therefore, I do not deny the correctness of Nietzsche's words. The remaining question is: Is this kind of person suitable to survive in today's society?