The real winner in the world is not necessarily the possessor who has a successful career and more wealth, power, reputation and status, but must be an awakened person with a clean and peaceful heart and a peaceful mind.
OuYangDe, a student of Wang Yangming, asked Wang Yangming, "Usually, I always feel busy. When I have something to do, I feel very busy. When I have nothing to do, I feel very busy. What is the reason? "
Wang Yangming replied: "the qi of heaven and earth is moving and never stops." However, if there are experts, we can do it without dragging our feet. Even if the external environment is ever-changing, the master remains the same and remains silent. Only with this master can people have a real life. If the owner is stable, it will never stop, just like heaven and earth running. Even though he is busy every day, he can always relax. This is the old saying that' Tianjun takes his time'; If there is no master, people are only addicted to arrogance. How can they not be busy? "
The master that Wang Yangming said is the human heart. The human heart is the foundation of life and the master of thoughts, thoughts and emotions. People feel busy, "too busy" and "too busy" because people are not at peace in their hearts.
First, people's hearts are dominated by material desires, and they are busy, and ultimately they are "working" for the desires of others. People will feel very busy and tired when they are physically and mentally exhausted. Second, people's minds are not strong enough, people are impetuous and eager for quick success, and all kinds of evil thoughts and distractions come and go, and they can't get a moment's peace of mind. Even if you don't have to work, people will feel busy and tired.
Although "busy" is a realistic state of life, it shows the chaos of the inner emotional world. The word "busy" is a combination of "worry" and "death". The original meaning is "losing consciousness", and the extended meaning is "too distracted to care about order". Words with the same radical as "busy" are: enlightenment, regret, affection, hate, regret, surprise, fear, timidity, annoyance, anger, enlightenment, fear, worry and regret. It's all about expressing people's inner feelings And "busy" means the lack or loss of the emotional world.
It is not the situation, not the pressure, but the mentality that determines the state of life. People are calm and always have beautiful spring scenery; Man can conquer nature, and spring blossoms. People are busy, but their hearts are not busy. Walking between heaven and earth, people will always encounter all kinds of adversity, difficulties, busyness and pressure. Instead of complaining about the external environment, it is better to change your mentality.
Zeng Guofan said: "People's hearts can be calm. Although everything is changing, nothing is clear. Quiet in the heart, not in the realm. "
The real practice is to cultivate the mind. As the saying goes: "One worry and one joy are all exciting, one glory and one glory are all dust, calmly see through the cold, and never be a dreamer." As long as you feel at ease, there is no trouble in life. The troubles of life are all caused by unstable heart.
There is a story: a temple has a long reputation, and the treasure of the town house is a string of jade beads, which is priceless. One day, the old monk suddenly called several disciples and said, "The beads are missing." Many disciples said they didn't take it themselves. The old monk said, "If someone takes the beads and voluntarily admits it, I will let bygones be bygones. If no one admits it, come back in seven days. "
Seven days later, the disciples came here again, but no one admitted to taking the beads. The old monk said, "Since no one admitted to taking the beads, I believe you are innocent. You can go down the mountain. " The disciples were glad that they were not suspected, so they quickly packed their bags and went down the mountain. Only a young monk was unaware of it and recited the scriptures in front of the Buddha statue.
The old monk asked, "Did you take the beads?" The young monk replied, "The Buddha's heart is still there, but I'm here to cultivate it, not for the Buddha's beads." The old monk said, "Don't you doubt it if you stay alone?" The young monk replied, "If others doubt him, my innocence lies with me. If the heart does not move, it will not hurt. "
The old monk laughed and said, "The beads are not lost at all, but a test of everyone's practice. You have enough wisdom to inherit my mantle. " After the death of the old monk, the young monk inherited the mantle of the old monk and studied Buddhism intensively, becoming a generation of eminent monks.
The motto of Lian Bi says: "You can practice your mind when you are in trouble, nourish your mind when you are quiet, measure your mind when you are sitting, worry when you are talking, and control your mind when you are moving." If you want to cross others, you must cross yourself first; To practice, you must cultivate your mind first.
The heart changes with the environment, and the phase is born of the heart. Everything in the world has changed. The heart does not move, and everything does not move. If the heart is peaceful, everything will be peaceful. It is not the world that has changed me, but my heart has been changed by the world. Life is a kind of practice. Only by cultivating the mind can we live better.
Author: Culture Peng
-This article was published in A4 edition of Hong Kong Commercial Daily.