Prince of Tennis famous quotes, right? I will give you the original Japanese lines.
1 "Genius's daroi?" Many people have said similar to this, whose one do you want (currently it's Marui Yuta's)
Tensaiteki daroi?
2 "I am the third consecutive hegemon of the sea and the blind spot is empty" (Yukimura's famous saying)
Warera rikkai no sanrenpa ni shikaku wa nai
3 "テニスを簗みをうむ props" ちゃいけない" (Fuji's famous sayings)
Tenisu o nikushimi o umu dougu ni shicha ikenai
4 "Servant wins つのはまだEarly いよ" (Fuji's famous sayings)
Biku ni katsu no ha mada hayai yo
5 "Servant からテニスをtake ったら、もう何も residual らない" (Yukimura's famous saying)
Boku kara tenisu o tottara ,mou nani mo nokoranai
6 "テニスは...我自さ." (Yukimura's famous saying)
tenisu wa ore jishin sa
This is Japanese otaku spending A lot of time to collect original quotes from Prince of Tennis TV
Refer to several Japanese websites
Although the translation of the Chinese version is slightly different from the original Japanese lines, the meaning is basically the same