The weather is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the people.
A city of three miles and a country of seven miles can be surrounded and attacked without victory. If you attack Huanhuan, you will definitely get the right time; however, if you don't win, the right time is not as good as the right place.
The city is not too high, the pond is not not deep, the military and military revolution are not not strong, and the rice and millet are not not abundant. But if we leave it, the land is not as good as the people.
The weather suitable for combat is not as good as the terrain that is conducive to combat, and the terrain that is conducive to combat is not as good as the unity of people.
The inner city is three miles around, and the outer city is seven miles around. We surrounded and attacked it, but we couldn't win. If a siege is fought, one side will definitely get the weather suitable for fighting, but that side will not win. This means that the weather suitable for fighting is not as good as the terrain conducive to fighting.
The city wall is not too high, the moat is not not deep, the weapons and armor are not not sharp and strong, and the food is not insufficient: but the defenders still abandoned the city and fled. This is the terrain that is conducive to combat. It is better to unite the people from top to bottom.