Famous Quotes About Career Choice Part 1 Famous Sayings About Career? Labor makes a person's morals noble and makes him accustomed to treating the tools, equipment and tools of labor carefully. products, attach importance to books and other spiritual and material cultural items, respect workers in any profession, and hate those parasites and exploiters, second-rate people, cowards and lazy people. -- Kailov ? To ignore a career is to give up a career -- Britain ? As long as life is precious, the profession of doctors will always be admired -- Emerson ? The profession of teachers is the most glorious profession under the sun. -- Comenius ? The best profession and the best knowledge is agriculture from which people obtain the necessities of life. -- Xenophon (ancient Greece) ? Although professions are different, there is no difference in the character of genius. --Balzac [Fa]? The biggest shortcoming of modern people is their lack of love for their profession. --Rodin? Men firmly believe that their profession is more important than any other profession. Otherwise, he will not be able to persist in this profession--Nietzsche? It is much more difficult for people in the same profession to become true friends than between people in different professions. -- Miki Kiyoshi? If there are two people with similar conditions, one is comforted by warmth and cared for by someone who is concerned about his life and death, and the other is served by a professional nurse: then the latter must be cured and the former saved. This is an involuntary sympathetic effect between people; doctors are unwilling to admit this, thinking that the patient was saved because of his thoughtful service and strict compliance with the doctor's instructions; but every mother knows that a persistent wish does have the power to bring the dead back to life. --Balzac? In the 21st century, human beings will be in a society without fixed occupations. --Reported by cnn, the world's largest news organization in the United States. Sincere and pure love must be infiltrated with respect for the work and career of the beloved. -- Deng Yingchao ? Poverty is the mother of all artistic professions -- Triano ? The most difficult profession is how to be a human being. --José Martí? The humblest occupation is obviously the most useful one--The number of innovations based on Johnson's clever ideas is huge. Even if the percentage of success is relatively small, it still opens up new industries, provides new occupations, and contributes to the economy. A pretty huge source of adding new areas of activity.
--Drucker? Writing lyrics and composing music is the best profession, and singing is the second best profession--John Belloc? Test whether a person has certain professional talents--UK? There are no humble professions in the world, only humble people- -Lincoln? Politics