1. Disease enters through the mouth, and disaster comes out of the mouth
2. A regular life is the secret to health and longevity. ——Balzac
3. Good health and a high degree of physical training are important conditions for effective mental work. --?Deplitskaya
4. Be ashamed of abusing water and be proud of saving water.
5. Health is as good as gold. --(Former Soviet Union) Gorky
6. You should train yourself from an early age to be strong and able to endure hardships and stand hard work. Don't be a coward. Go for long walks in nature! --(Italian) Enrico Fermi
7. Staying healthy is an obligation to yourself and even to society. --(U.S.) Franklin
8. Health is the first wealth in life. -- (U.S.) Emerson
9. Health is a condition for wisdom and a sign of happiness. --(U.S.) Emerson
10. Staying healthy is a human responsibility. --(Netherlands) Spinoza