If you have true morality, you will have true courage.--Anyone who is afraid of heaven, earth, people, and ghosts must have ghosts in his heart and must have bad conduct.--Xuan Yongguang
Being brave and acting is the second golden key to open the door to success.
Successful people are those who have courage and courage. I once heard someone talk about the success of Wenzhou people on a train. Such three words, "courage". This actually means courage, and being able to take it up and let it go is courage.--Yu Minhong
Those who have the courage are the first to win the crown.--Shakespeare
It is impossible to be an outstanding commander without courage. In other words, a person who is born without this kind of emotional strength will never become an outstanding commander.--German military theorist and military historian Clausewitz
The roar of "Show courage" is the mother of all success.--French writer Victor Hugo
I am smiling to the sky from my side, go and stay Liver and Gallbladder - Tan Sitong
The best way to make yourself strong and increase your self-confidence is to have the courage to do things you think you are not sure about.--Taiwanese writer Luo Lan
If you have true morality, you will have true courage.--Anyone who is afraid of heaven, earth, people, and ghosts must have ghosts in his heart and must have bad conduct.--Xuan Yongguang