2. You are busy when others are busy, and you are busier when others are not busy; Busy generating electricity every year, unable to go home to accompany parents; I also dreamed of the fragrance of jiaozi at home, and even hung my parents with frost; I can't help crying when I think of my parents' parenting. Send text messages to comfort Gao Tang and forgive loyalty and filial piety. Xue Rui, who has been raging, dyed a few black hairs on his parents' temples; The glittering and translucent jade candle reflects the infinite care of children. Dear mom and dad, no matter where you are, I will always love you! Happy spring festival!
In your heart, children are everything to you, and in my heart, you are everything to me. At home, I can't feel my parents' love. When I work alone in a foreign land, what I miss most is my family. Maybe now I can't talk about returning, and your love for me can't be expressed in words, but I want to say: when the Spring Festival comes, I will send my best wishes and send a long message; Happy, happy, may you laugh.