1. Verses about family tradition and family mottos
Mencius: To maintain your health, don’t be good at having few desires.
Liu Bei: Don’t do evil because it’s small, don’t do good because it’s small. Only virtue and virtue can serve others.
Li Shimin: Think of filial piety when serving the ancestors, and respect when dealing with others; devote yourself to hard work to practice virtue and righteousness.
Yan Zhitui: Brothers are fractal connected people, and they are young. Parents lift left and right, and wear the front and back. They eat together, dress together, and learn together. If you travel, you will have sex. Even if there are people who are disobedient and chaotic, you can't help but love each other. As strong as they are, every wife has his own wife, and every son has his own son. Even though there are some honest and generous people, they cannot fail too little.
Fan Zhongyan: Filial piety should be done to the best of one's ability, loyalty and courage should be shown sincerity; brothers help each other, and compassion has no boundaries. Read the books of sages diligently, respect your teachers as you respect your relatives; do not be arrogant in etiquette, be humble and respectful to your neighbors. Respect the elders and care for the young, show pity to the orphans, widows and the poor; be humble and honest, and avoid arrogance. Don't throw away the writing paper, and keep the five hubs of kindness; do things according to natural principles, and cherish all living beings. Live up to the eight virtues in life, cultivate your character and serve the Lord and God; have children and grandchildren with a firm heart, and cultivate a family with good roots.
Su Xun: Be filial to your parents when you are in, and be harmonious to your neighbors when you are out. When the superiors have questions, they must answer them. Those present must raise their heads. Don't make jokes or be arrogant. Don't call someone with a formal name, and use the honorific title when you speak. Let the elders eat and drink first, and follow them when traveling.
Ji Xiaolan: The first is to get up late; the second is to be lazy; the third is to be luxurious; the fourth is to be proud. In addition to observing the four precepts, we must also follow four appropriate rules: first, we should read diligently; second, we should respect our teachers; third, we should love others; fourth, we should eat prudently.
Lin Zexu: If you are not filial to your parents, it is useless to worship God; if brothers are not on good terms, it is useless to make friends; if you have bad intentions, it is useless to have feng shui; if you behave badly, it is useless to study; if you are arrogant, it is useless to be knowledgeable; if you are perverse, it is useless to be clever; fortune If there is no help, it is useless to save people; to take people's money in vain, to give is useless; to spare one's vitality, to take medicine is useless; to be wanton and evil, to be evil is useless.
If my descendants were like me, what would they do with the money? If a virtuous person has a lot of wealth, it will harm his ambition; if his descendants are not as good as mine, what should I do with the money? Being foolish and having too much wealth will increase one's faults. 2. The value of ancestral teachings and famous quotes
1. The most essential human value is human independence. ——Bubman
2. With the value of life, gold will not feel expensive. ——Ni Zhibing
3. Valuable things are meaningful only to those who understand them. ——Platus
4. The value of something depends on whether it is needed. ——Derffy
5. The value of something should depend on how much happiness it can bring. ——Cambridge
6. A person’s value to society first depends on how much his feelings, thoughts and actions play in promoting human interests. ——Einstein
7. A person’s value should depend on what he contributes, not what he obtains. ——Einstein
8. A person’s value does not depend on whether he or she grasps the truth, or thinks he or she has the truth; what determines a person’s value is the tireless spirit of pursuing the truth.