On the way to the Buddhist scriptures in the West, Tang Priest passed by the daughter country. There are no men in the girl country, all women. Their descendants depend on the spring water of Zimu Spring. It is said that as long as you drink this water, you can get pregnant. At that time, Tang Priest passed by his daughter's country and had no choice but to live here.
The king of the daughter country fell in love at first sight after seeing the Tang Priest. Perhaps there were no men here before, or the talent and face value of Tang Priest attracted the king of the daughter country. She was fascinated by the Tang Priest. Facing the king's heart in his daughter country, Tang Yan was a little shaken. But the Tang priest is a monk, and he still has a mission, so he can only refuse. When he refused at that time, Tang Priest said to the king of his daughter country, "If there is fate in the afterlife, I will fall in love with you again."
This sentence tells the Tang Priest's helplessness, and also tells his feelings for the king of his daughter country diplomatically. So the king of the daughter country won't continue to embarrass them. No one expected that when he let go, Tang Yan refused a line from the king of his daughter country, which is why many couples break up now. What is the saddest thing in this world than destiny takes a hand? Many couples say this sentence to break up with each other because they have no choice but to stay together.
There are many classic shots and lines in The Journey to the West, but they have become more classic after many years. What do you remember? I wonder if any netizens used this reason when they broke up?