Original text: Confucius said: Those who set rewards by hanging the law but can't change the customs, sincerely don't hold on. Therefore, you can know its wind by listening to its sound, its vulgarity by watching its pleasure, and its transformation by seeing its vulgarity. The husband who holds the truth and sincerity touches the world, and God goes beyond the party and orders it to be forbidden. Sincerely understand its way and achieve its meaning. Although there is no word, all people, animals, ghosts and gods in the world change with it. Therefore, it is too mythical, and secondly, it can't be wrong, and it rewards goodness and punishes violence.
Note: Wen Zi thinks that the reason why the laws and regulations are hung high, and the laws and regulations are rewarded to the Ming Dynasty, but they still can't change the customs, is probably because there is no sincere heart. So when you hear what is popular here, you will probably know the social atmosphere here, see what people like here, know the customs here, know the customs here, and probably know the methods of governance and education here. When the ruler's education comes from the truth and has a sincere heart, he can move the world and educate the four sides overseas, and the laws and regulations can pass unimpeded. In the spirit of sincerity, we can run through the road and apply it to the governance of countries all over the world, so even if we don't say a word, all the people under the world, even animals and ghosts and gods, can feel the power of enlightenment and assimilate with it. Therefore, the best governance method is to influence people's hearts slowly and naturally (to form self-motivation and self-evolution), the second method is to try to make all the people have no evil thoughts and motivation (to be indifferent and calm), and the last method is to discipline all the people to make them Zhi Zhi and satisfied by rewarding good and punishing violence, but it is often because of lack of restraint or overdoing it, which leads to resentment and disputes.
there is a saying: sincerity, perseverance and deification.
There is an old saying: "When you are sincere, the stone opens." From ancient times to the present, the ideal country that people yearn for most is: the realm of being too high, and everyone can naturally get what they want, that is, the so-called governance of the imperial way. If not, it is also a good society to settle for the second best, so the second is the governance that can't be wrong. Most people can be consciously Zhi Zhi and contented, and the rulers can make the people naturalized and natural with a push of enlightenment, which is probably the governance method of saints. If this doesn't work, then at least a Ming king can be born, so he can be fair and strict, and love the people like a son. So, through the lowest method of rewarding goodness and punishing violence, it is basically possible to rule that the people can barely be Zhi Zhi and content.
The more modern it is, the less easy it is to govern the country. Although there are actual conditions, failure to adhere to one is often the final result. This is because although people's wisdom is gradually expanding, people's wisdom is not enough to distinguish right from wrong and distinguish good from evil, and it is enough to save their lives. In addition, the ability of individuals and groups is getting stronger, the needs and relationships of various interest groups are complicated, human society and human spiritual world are becoming more and more materialistic, extravagant and extreme, and the rulers of people are becoming more and more confused with the times. In the long run, it is unimaginable.
So, if we can start with ourselves, if the country can be people-oriented in rectification, education, study and practice, and do a good job, and can properly guide and promote correct values and attitudes towards life in society, so that everyone can return to Zhi Zhi, then through unremitting efforts, we can probably have a return process from the bottom, to the second and to the top.