2. Make it clear to the officials. This kind of purity comes from ideological purity, without distractions and selfish interests. Serving the people heart and soul is as clear as the water in the sea. Being an official should be clear and establish a good style of work in cultivation and virtue. The official style is the official style, and the clarity of the official style is always closely related to ideology.
It is a good thing that officials should always look in the mirror, have a correct attitude and put on airs. Only when officials have a correct understanding of their own shortcomings can they foster strengths and avoid weaknesses, correctly understand and deal with problems, be not confused, make mistakes or hesitate, strengthen their beliefs, multiply their confidence, and truly realize the positive energy pattern of justice throughout the world.
4. Before doing things, officials should first learn from the past, not repeat other people's mistakes, not do things that are sorry for the people, always take the right path, and not go against their conscience, their ethics, their professional bottom line and shake their beliefs under the temptation of some fame and fortune.
5. How savvy an official is, how deep he is. This shrewdness depends on whether the government has enough courage and determination to deal with and understand the problem. General Secretary Xi Jinping once said that "it is necessary to be hard while the iron is hot" is the truth.