Great wisdom is foolish, great wisdom is foolish, great voices are heard, elephants are invisible, Italy is surging, arguments are slow, generosity is endless, and there is little to be done ... This is the road to simplicity! Staff sergeant listened and worked hard; The sergeant heard that living is death; The corporal smiled, but it wasn't enough! ?
By comparing yourself with your own heart, you can rule out "unknown" thinking and functions, and throw all ambiguous ideas into people's minds, and you can become many eyes. Clumsy, will become smart from the heart. If you go back to the park, you will be able to open it. It is better to give it back to the landlord and turn it into an opportunity. When I hide ghosts, I have an unpredictable heart.
We are eager to show our strength and Excellence, but we don't know that tigers and wolves are still tired of hunting, and weak rabbits can still go to Hawk several times to see if there are any strategies to lead the siege. When she is well, she won't attack him. The wisdom of life is to laugh at the wind.
Birth, old age, illness and death are the inevitable laws of life. We can't choose and we can't escape. Avoiding death is often self-defeating. After all, no one can predict what will happen in the future. Since the future is unpredictable, the coming good and bad things are meaningless to our present life. Living in the present, living wonderfully and happily, cherishing the present time and enjoying everything now are the most important and wise choices for us.
There are many things in life that can't be forced. Forcing will only be self-defeating, and letting nature take its course will also lead to irreparable tragedy!